Everyone Hates The 2023 Minecraft Mob Vote

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2023 Minecraft Mob Vote has become so toxic
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The change is so simple "Vote for which mob you want FIRST." Provides a sense of interaction without unnecessary scarcity


I love how in the previous votes, everyone fought over which mob was best, and this year all three sides agree the problem is Mojang


The thing I don’t like about is that it’s not a mob vote, it’s a feature vote. No one’s voting for the crab, armadillo, or penguin. They are voting for the extended reach, wolf armor, or faster boat.


The only problem is that they are never adding the mobs that lost after the vote. The mob vote would be great and fun it we know they will add them eventualy


This seems all too familiar

-a growing populace inequality
-demand to remove bias votes
-a rise of civil unrest
-a revolution in october


The 2023 vote is especially brutal right now because, ironically, the opposite of what people think: the mobs are TOO important. it’s either longer reach or armor for pets, something longed asked for by the community and the fact you only get 1 is going to cause so much fighting


I think a good solution might be to make the poll twice a year instead of just once, and have the additional polls consist of a random selection of mobs that lost previous votes.


The real issue with the mob vote is that Mojang finds a way to make the added mob absolutely terrible.


They had the perfect formula with the biome vote. Everything gets added, we just get to choose which comes first. It's engagement without sacrificing content. Mob votes are the antithesis of that. Mobs who are not voted will be lost forever. That's why it's so hated. It became less about community engagement and more about Mojang making us fight each other so they can be lazy and add only one new mob per year despite being backed by the one of the richest company on the planet and being much more than a small indie studio now.


The weird thing is that they're aware of how disliked community votes are. They literally dedicated a whole april fools update to it and the uncanny part is that they put more effort into that than any of the content people voted on


The mob vote only made sense when the mobs being voted were potentially disruptive to gameplay, neutral mobs that interacted with the environment or aggressive new enemies.
It stopped making sense the second they started introducing friendly, purely environmental and mechanically helpful mobs and putting them in the firing line. There's never a reason not to want the game feel more lively.


In my opinion they can totally keep the voting system, but make it so that the highest voted mob gets added first and the others later. This way there is still that sense of community and no idea's will be lost!


It's kind of impressive how Mojang consistently manages to make the worst possible business decisions, multiple times a year


I like how everyone has just agreed that mojang is getting lazy and just not promising the other mobs that didn’t get the win


Here's a good fix for the mob vote: ALL mobs get added in eventually, BUT whichever mob wins the vote gets added in FIRST. Then the runner-up gets added in the next update, and so on with the third. That way, no mob is wasted, the community can still have a good way of interacting with the devs, and all controversy is lifted (maybe).

As for the previous mobs that lost, just add them anyway lol. The hostile mobs might be touchy due to the phantom situation, but Mojang is known for being very aware of what they've done in regard to that, and I doubt they'll make that mistake again.


More context: The winner-takes-all system splits the votes so that the losers almost always outnumber the winners, this could be fixed if they only offered two options. Another issue is the lack of detailed information leads to uninformed decisions. A lot of people voted for the Phantom hoping for an intimidating monster instead got the biggest nuisance in the game. A lot of people voted for the glow squid hoping for a movable light source or status effect only to get sparkly particle effects. The Sniffer only unearths two seeds for functionless flowers, it's especially frustrating given that the torch flower does not emit light despite high demand for new light sources, and it was deceptive because normally seeds are for crops not flowers. So even the vote winners regret their decision since the mob is never the best implementation of the proposed concept.

Everyone sees it for what it is, a greedy publicity stunt. Minecraft won't stop doing it, because even the negative feedback is more social media mentions, and it's not controversial enough to get most people to quit the game. So by all accounts it's working as intended. The only way to stop the mob vote is to stop talking about it.


Can't believe this situation became a meme lol. But for real, I agree. Why bother making models and abilities for the new mobs if those who lose the vote don't eventually get in? It's kind of like a waste.


Petition for Mojang to bring back the biome vote


I was a minecraft player from when 1.0 released, and so my youngest brother has been enthusiastically giving me his take on this vote for a few days now.
We both agree there isn't any reason why all three couldn't be in an update. What they each bring to the table is a simple mechanic or feature, not something complex like a whole new biome or something like the pillager raid.
With these being such simple ideas, yet being given this much attention, it leads one to think that the devs have run out of ideas or aren't putting any real effort in. So it's no surprise that a growing number of people are getting critical of the devs.


Honestly the first mob vote was pretty cool as it was a unique concept with early designs. But they kept doing it with much more laid out ideas to the point it’s not just beta stuff anymore and there is legitimate sadness in so much cool ideas going to waste. And especially how they promised to put the losers in sometime but haven’t seen to done that.
