The BEST Low Carb Cornbread Recipe - EPIC CORN BREAD BATTLE - Testing 3 Keto Cornbread Recipes

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What's the BEST low carb cornbread recipe on the internet? We're about to find out! Join us here at Highfalutin' Low Carb for an epic Low Carb Corn Bread Battle where we determine who has the most flavorful keto cornbread or corn muffin recipe on the internet.

We find the three most popular low carb keto cornbread recipes on YouTube and pit them against each other in a fight to the death!

Our second contestant is from Lisa at the blog Low Carb Yum, who makes a coconut flour cornbread recipe. Full details plus her recipe are located at the link below. Be sure to check it out.

The third contestant is a recipe called “Low Carb Keto Induction Cornbread“ from the blog Fluffy Chix Cook. Be sure to check out their recipe at the link below.





Email Inquiries: wes (at) highfalutinlowcarb (dot) com


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My late hubby was born & raised in Jackson, MS and first time I made him cornbread from scratch he said, "Honey this cornbread is sweet", I replied, yep I put sugar on the top of it...well he ate that cornbread because the guy loved me so much, from then on out I made it for him w/o the I loved him.


Hey Wes, I know this is an old video, but recently I used the technique you mentioned for corn bread (bacon grease in a hot cast iron skillet) and my mom loved it so much she told me to come here and tell you how she appreciates you. Thank you so much Wes, from my family to yours


“Sweet cornbread is called cake.” “Cornbread should be made in a cast iron skillet so the butter can fry the outside.” You, sir, are a true Southerner who was raised right. I’m definitely going to try that last recipe.


From southern Alabama here: My wife’s grandma’s corn bread recipe was corn meal and water, fried in bacon grease (in a cast iron skillet, of course), crisp on the outside, done on the inside. Served piping hot with butter. Great!


The quality of your videos are on par with high production tv. For you to push them out 'almost' weekly is impressive. Thanks . You put joy ( I'm sure not only me) into my day.


I was so happy when you said, "Southern cornbread is not sweet." I have told so many people over the years, but they seem to think Jiffy is the pinnacle of cornbread lol


It was a romantic moment for me when you were describing skillet cornbread. When you said" put the bacon fat in the skillet, pour the batter in, and listen to it sizzle." I blushed, and nearly fainted again. 🌽🍞❤


Baby corns make the best cornbread used with almond flour with pork rinds. It hasn't developed the sugar/carb content, yet has the taste of corn. Don't forget to brown the crust in cast iron.


The less extravagant items per recipe the better. I have spent SO much money on all these ingredients, and every time I turn around, a recipe calls for yet ANOTHER expensive ingredient. I'd love to see a recipe book that ONLY uses the basics, like the first two recipes you prepared. And yes, southern cornbread is NOT sweet! Great videos, by the way!!!


I love that you give the credit to the original YouTubers that you got the recipes from. Great job.


I finally made the Fluffy Chicks cornbread. It only made 5 for me. I have a cast iron pan made for individual corn shape servings for corn bread. The cornbread came out golden on top and delicious!!! Will be making this again! I always trust your recommendations! You have the perfect taste buds for me! Also corn bread made with sugar is cake!


I am new to both low carb and your YouTube channel. Super glad that I found you. I especially appreciate your honesty when reviewing a recipe. Your not afraid to give your opinion. Looking forward to binge watching more of your videos.


Amen on the sweeteners. Sweet cornbread is called cake. Love your videos!


I JUST FOUND YOUR CHANNEL!!! And boy oh boy am I addicted!!! I have binged on this today crazy!!! LOVE you!!! You are funny and charismatic and sweet! Can’t wait to try some of these recipes!!!


I feel like the Yankee in the room because I love a sweet corn muffin.


If it don’t sizzle when it hits the cast iron skillet, it ain’t cornbread!!!


I just happen to be watching this video for the first time on Father's Day 2021. I was born and raised just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. My parents loved and prepared cornbread all of the time. My dad was born during WW2. I distinctly remember that he loved to put cornbread into a tall glass and pour buttermilk over it. To him, it was a treat. 😊


1st recipe is at the beginning, 5:50 for second recipe, 12:57 for 3rd recipe!


I found a much cheaper extract on Amazon for us broke folks! Its called One on One Flavors: Cornbread flavor concentrate! Its $9.99 for a 2oz bottle and only takes a few drops for a batch of keto cornbread.


I know that this is a pretty old video ... but you can make the pork rinds and corn extract recipe and cook it in a larger cast iron skillet. I do it all the time and it turns out amazing! You get that traditional sizzle AND you get the "crust". It's amazing.
