Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Heart of Fire (High Quality)

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A cleaned version of the songs made with Synthfont, using a soundfont and midis ripped from the original ROM.
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Just remember that Julius was holding back the whole time, even after using Grand Cross and causing the Castle to start crumbling in the background.


Let me tell you about Julius Belmont.

Dracula was the incarnation of all evil guaranteed to resurrect at least once a century, until he met Julius. When Julius Belmont ices a bitch, he stays dead. Dracula's immortal soul got fucked so hard it reincarnated as a Japanese twink. That's right, Julius gave the lord of darkness the John Numbers treatment.

Years later you get to play as Twinkula disciplining your pet castle and wannabe Dracula trying to fill the power vacuula. And it's all pretty tame until you meet Julius FUCKING Belmont, who is pretty FUCKING sure he said No Draculas. Some of you may remember the next part, because if you were young it's where you got your ass kicked to the sound of Julius' personal ass kicking mix. And once you think you've got him down he just uses Grand Cross, instantly kills you, and rips apart the castle in the background just because.

So you finally get through all that and become Top Drac, only for Soma's bat-senses to kick in and he comes to a realization:
-This motherfucker is sandbagging
-This is the hardest fight in the game and it's just Julius giving up because he feels sorry for me
-This is what Julius throwing a fight looks like

Julius is like "Sorry I only feel comfortable killing vampires not Japanese women" and Soma doesn't correct him, just runs off to punch the castle in the snout until it behaves because Jesus Christ you stony prick you're going to get me killed

And everything's fine until cultists try to get their hands on Dracula's stash again in Dawn of Sorrow. There you have to use touch screen to seal bosses or they'll resurrect indefinitely. Without sealing magic, you can't just murder bosses so hard so hard they don't come back--unless you're Julius Fucking Belmont. Fuck your touchscreen gimmicks, Belmont says.

How old is Julius during the games? Late fifties. This is what old and busted Julius Belmont looks like. Julius Belmont in his prime cannot be depicted, for no game can contain him.


This whole song is peak Castlevania music, but the segment from 1:55 to 2:27 gives me lifelight
Julius. The Final Belmont


This isn't a "Why do I hear boss music?" theme, this is a "Why do I hear player music?" theme


The Power of "Uleh!" is strong with this one. This is a very clean track, been looking this for years. 👍


Julius Belmont, the one of his line who (with help from the Hakuba Clan) destroyed Dracula as the world knew (and feared) once and for all, and had the power in his 50s to cause damage to Dracula's Castle by simply using Grand Cross... No wonder they needed him for the sequel. :o


The Virgin Ritcher:
Main motivation to keep the Belmont tradition is partly due to his love interest being sent as a sacrifice.
Can't monologue for shit, best he could come up with when he came face-to-face with Dracula was saying he didn't belong in this world, just for Dracula to bring up some good points about human nature
Although powerful, most of this comes from his item crashes.
Ended up being used as a puppet by Dracula's no1 fan to resurrect him, ultimately would of gotten away with it if Alucard didn't step in.

The CHAD Julius
Motivation to kill Dracula? he doesn't need any, treats the role of the Belmonts like the ten commandments and his sole purpose.
Quick to the point, engages his mortal enemy without a monologue aside from telling his enemy their fate.
Strongest Belmont to exist, Permanently destroyed Dracula in his prime, at the age of 55 he still manages to do massive damage with his whip and subweapons alone and even destroying a part of Dracula's castle with his eventual usage of grand cross, all while holding back on the reincarnation of his mortal enemy as he had faith in him. is also able to break a seal that not even Alucard, son of Dracula could.
After his duty was done, he lost his memory but eventually regained it, living only to ensure nobody reincarnates into Dracula and is willing to pursue them anywhere to prevent them from restarting the cycle at all costs with his only limiter being age.
(This is a joke, i love all Belmonts practically equally, i know some info here is inaccurate or bastardized)


Julius was a tough fight.
But the fact that he was holding back scares me.
Imagine if Soma had to fight him at full strength?


What a great theme. I still remember the part in his boss fight when he does the Grand Cross and its so powerful that the entire castle begins to crumble... what a memorable moment. Really drives home how he is the ultimate warrior after many, many generations of his clan.




"I must destroy Dracula at any cost. That is my destiny!"
"N0 WaiT! I don't wanna fight you." ~Soma
"Nothing you can say will stop me. Prepare to die!"


*Official name: Omnia Vanitas*
*English: All is Vanity*
*Julius: ULEH!*


I love that an 55 year old Romanian man was the greatest Belmont of all...and given his awesome design, coat and scarf, yeah, we know he was the ultimate vampire killer.


It's really weird that this track was named after Heart of Fire when it's 90% Don't Wait Until Night


Three things make this video timeless:
1) Awesome Music
2) Uleh!!!
3) Grand Cross Power


So this is what it's like, to fight a belmont, and hear their theme as I get my ass kicked like a anime villain


Julius was geared to fight a full powered dracula, Soma got lucky


Less than a week ago i found your Circle of the Moon playlist and thought to myself (after looking through your Channel) "Its a pity there's no Aria of Sorrow HQ"

Today YouTube does its thing and recommends this to me :)

Awesome videos dudebro!


How much *holding back* is implied to be used when he uses Grand Cross I wonder xD


Everybody Gangsta until Julius uses Grand Cross!!
