How In-Ear Monitors are Making Better Musicians

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Building a portable in-ear monitor rig!

Sungazer is going on tour in Europe in March, and with PLINI/jakub zytecki in the US in April/May! Go get tickets here:

Other rig builds that were helpful for us

Company that does these kinds of builds (and way better than us)

0:00 Intro
3:37 In-Ears
5:40 Why We Needed an IEM Rig
7:26 IEM Rig Build
14:49 General Thoughts on Building a Rig like this.


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As a bad sound engineer, I just want to say thank you for acknowledging all the hard work we don't do.


As a sound engineer, whenever an act rocks up with their own rack, and just hands me splits, I throw a little internal party, because my day was just made! You mentioned how working with bad engineers can be a massive drag, and I always work super hard to not be in that category, but sometimes you just don't have enough time to make everyone on stage happy. Some acts seem to not realise how much we have to do, so the sentiment definitley works both ways, and it's always a breath of fresh air when an act regards you as part of the team. If an act is organised enough to look after themselves on stage, then I get more time to look after them FOH. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Nice rig, and very tidy to fit into such a small rack! Kudos, and hopefully I'll catch you in London in march


1:18 suggested addendum: marching bands do not look at the feet of each other.

Marching bands are so spread out on a football field that they have to swap styles on the fly. The back half of the band watches the conductor, who is typically on a raised platform, makes massive arm movements, and is wearing white gloves to help keep tempo. The front half of the band, hilariously, has to ignore the conductor and instead listen to the drummers behind them to keep tempo.

For this reason, drummers are typically held in the back or off to either side to keep the distance about the same without messing things up. This provides an interesting arrangement when drum highlights force the drummers to the front, as the drummers have no real way to keep tempo other than watching the conductor. Typically highlight/solo instances cause the rest of the band to be silent, so they can focus completely on marching and choreography, while staying in tempo with the drummers who are popping off on a sick highlight section of the music.

Source: took marching band in high school for 4 years


As a sound engineer, I love this. It’s great when bands actually understand the audio side of things and can make the job easier and not harder, so the engineer can focus on making the mains sound good.


15:18 felt that in my bones lmao. Sound engineering is a really tough job and I have a ton of respect for the people who do it well... but let me tell you, I spent two years gigging with an all-girl band. The amount of patronizing disrespect we got from sound guys was unreal, and it had an outsize impact on our performance, especially in large festival contexts where we had little to no control over mixes and sometimes weren't even really afforded a sound check.


Just one small remark to add - get the band's musicians to install the app for the monitor mixing console on their smartphones, so they can set up the mix in their ears on their own, saving a HUGE lot of time for mixing engineer and the band as a whole.


I will never go back to traditional ear plugs or monitors after touring with IEMs for the past 3 years. It's night and day, I have no hearing fatigue, I have consistent sound every night and everywhere on stage. It's the best investment any serious musician can make. Especially when you get custom molds and as self-contained system with a digital mixer so you can mix yourself, send a split to FOH, and not worry about what the house engineer is doing at all.



I joke but I don't really play any instruments let alone tour worldwide in a band. However as someone who loves videos about technology, engineering, etc, this was still a really really great watch!
(To be honest I think part of the reason I'm subbed to Adam is because of his interest in the limits of human perception in music, and how he relates that interest to his audience via videos that use scientific studies on rhythm, pitch, etc basically scratches the same itch as a Steve Mould video would)


I recently played IEM for the first time and I was sceptical. But on stage, it felt smooth much better. I play bass and also sing backing vocals and being able to clearly hear our lead singer did miracles for my performance. Never again without IEM!


As a FOH sound engineer (who'll be mixing Sungazer on your next Portland OR date!) I fully agree with your approach here - even including the shade thrown at sound engineers. For venues without dedicated monitor eng positions, it can be very frustrating to build foldback mixes for bands that have exacting requirements but who rely on house wedges and stage volume. Self-contained IEM stage boxes completely eliminate a whole category of potential problems. Looking forward to the show - in your advance please send along that input list @6:30 ! 😆


Adam this video rules. Its so hard to describe to people sometimes how sound can just disappear into the ether when you're on stage, and how frustrating it is to play in spaces that sound so drastically different from the spaces you practice in. Thrilled you guys have a setup that works with little to not headache.


As much as I love your more heady and academic content, this very practical real-world gear video felt like a really refreshing change of pace coming from you and I found it to be a very interesting inside look at the day to day challenges of a traveling musician. It made me a lot more sympathetic to the bands I used to work with when I ran sound for a small venue in Minnesota, they could be really really picky about their monitors, and I don't think I fully appreciated why at the time.

And even if I'm not a musician myself, this definitely scratched my gear nerd itch. Now I'd be really interested to hear about your video production setup and workflow since that's more my area of expertise.


Re the standard xlr’s not fitting in the rack case - no need for loads of expensive right angle cables, all you need are a couple of recessed adapter brackets to move the unit backwards and you’ll have plenty of room to leave standard straight xlr’s plugged in


This is the first IEM video ive seen that actually made me want them.


I think regular people and bedroom musicians underestimate how hard it is to hear yourself and play in a live setting. I remember the first time I tried playing guitar with a live band, only using music earplugs (no monitors) in a small room. It felt like I didn't know how to play the guitar. I couldn't hear myself through the mix at all and it was very disorienting. Being able to monitor yourself is worth it if you're actually in a band and performing.


This is such a valuable video dude, I wish I could convey to you how much it means to me


The difference between quality IEMs and regular stage monitors is HUGE. I'm in a couple of dance hall bands, and the difference between setup/soundcheck times is staggering. We have 4 road cases (all my guitar stuff, Tony's guitar and keyboard stuff, Sarah's keyboard stuff, and mixing console/in-ear receivers), which is way less crap to schlep around than all that plus 6 stage monitors. Add to the fact that we have zero stage noise (drummer uses an electronic kit, bassist uses a SansAmp, and Tony and I use Axe FXIIIs direct into the console), our soundchecks are just making sure everything works and then fine-tuning the sound (our soundman saves each venue we play as a preset on the mixer). We can set up in under an hour.

And since we're not touring or anything, we don't need to invest in bulletproof cases and stuff. We're in about $6000 total for the console and PSM300s for all 6 members of our band. All things considered, it's been an amazing investment since our performances have gotten SO much better now that we can hear each other exactly as we want to hear us and we're not competing for volume.

And you can't beat the feeling of playing a shredding guitar solo in the middle of the dance floor and (never worry about missing your cues because you can't actually hear the band or yourself).


I've never really thought about all that would need to go into touring as a band on the tech side of things. Interesting to see a small piece of that.


This is actually one of the best videos you've done in a long time, for me, even though I'll never be a touring musician. It was such an interesting window into another world, and its succinctness and clarity were amazing. I hope the people who ARE touring see this and take your recommendations to heart; it's always such a shame to hear that talented musicians are losing their hearing to shoddy set-up.
