Gökyüzündeki Milli Takımımız: TÜRK YILDIZLARI
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TR: 7 Kasım 1992 tarihinde kurulması için emir yayınlanmış ve 25 Aralık 1992 tarihinde dört NF-5 uçağı ile eğitimlere başlamıştır. "Türk Yıldızları" adı verilen akrotim, ilk gösterisini dört NF-5A/B Freedom Fighter Uçağı ile 18 Haziran 1993 tarihinde 4’üncü Ana Jet Üs Komutanlığı Akıncı/Ankara’da icra etmiştir. Türk Yıldızları Akrotimi’nin Türk halkına tanıtımı 5 Ekim 1994 tarihinde Diyarbakır'da 8’inci Ana Jet Üs Komutanlığı'nda 29 Ekim 1994 Cumhuriyet Bayramı törenlerinde gerçekleşmiştir. Türk Yıldızları’nın 100’üncü gösterisi 29 Ekim 2000 tarihinde Cumhuriyet Bayramı kutlamaları kapsamında Ankara Atatürk Kültür Merkezi’nde sergilenmiştir. Mevcut filo lideri 8 Eylül 2016'da görevi devralan Binbaşı Esra Özatay'dır. Türk Hava Kuvvetleri'nde bu görevi yapan ilk ve tek kadın pilottur.
EN: The Turkish Stars (Turkish: Türk Yıldızları) are the aerobatic demonstration team of the Turkish Air Force and the national aerobatics team of Turkey. The team was formed on November 7, 1992 and was named the Turkish Stars on January 11, 1993. Turkish Stars fly with eight Canadair NF-5 fighter planes obtained from the Royal Netherlands Air Force, making them one of few national aerobatics teams to fly supersonic aircraft. Twelve NF-5 fighter planes are available to the team. The team is stationed at the Konya Air Base of 3rd Main Jet Base Group Command. On August 24, 2001, Turkish Stars demonstrated an airshow to more than one million people in Baku, Azerbaijan that is to be a world record.
Instagram: coolpect
Kaynakça/References: Wikipedia
Müzik/Music: Fight to Believe by Phil Larson
EN: The Turkish Stars (Turkish: Türk Yıldızları) are the aerobatic demonstration team of the Turkish Air Force and the national aerobatics team of Turkey. The team was formed on November 7, 1992 and was named the Turkish Stars on January 11, 1993. Turkish Stars fly with eight Canadair NF-5 fighter planes obtained from the Royal Netherlands Air Force, making them one of few national aerobatics teams to fly supersonic aircraft. Twelve NF-5 fighter planes are available to the team. The team is stationed at the Konya Air Base of 3rd Main Jet Base Group Command. On August 24, 2001, Turkish Stars demonstrated an airshow to more than one million people in Baku, Azerbaijan that is to be a world record.
Instagram: coolpect
Kaynakça/References: Wikipedia
Müzik/Music: Fight to Believe by Phil Larson