Netflix's Edge Gateway Using Zuul - Mikey Cohen

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Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016.
An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services, built on top of Netflix's Open source project, Zuul, are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.
An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services, built on top of Netflix's Open source project, Zuul, are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.
Netflix's Edge Gateway Using Zuul - Mikey Cohen
8. Spring Cloud | API Gateway With Netflix's Zuul.
Spring Cloud – Create API Gateway with Netflix Zuul
API Gateway using ZUUL #6 || Netflix ZUUL + SpringBoot + Spring Security || Green Learner
API Gateway using ZUUL #4 || Netflix Zuul Actuator endpoints + Spring Boot || Green Learner
Step 28.3 : Executing a Request through Netfilx Zuul API gateway server.
JAVA MICROSERVICE API , Eureka and Netflix Zuul Gateway and Service Discovery
Step 28.1 : Setting UP Netflix Zuul API gateway server.
How to Configure Netflix Zuul Server
API Gateway using ZUUL #3 || Netflix ZUUL Filters Demo || Logging with Zuul Filters || Green Learner
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6 - Spring Boot Microservices : How to integrate Netflix Zuul using Spring Boot? | API Gateway
Api Gateway using ZUUL #2 || Internal Architecture of Netflix Zuul || Netflix Zuul || Green Learner
Learn Microservice with Spring Cloud : Lesson 26 - Zuul Reverse Proxy as Service Gateway
Spring Cloud Tutorial - Netflix Zuul + Eureka Simple Example
Spring Cloud Tutorial. Part 1. Eureka Service discovery, Zuul API Gateway. Simple example
12. Configuring ZUUL API Gateway | Microservices project with spring boot and spring cloud
how netflix handles traffic with edge services
Zuul proxy gateway | API gateway | spring boot | spring cloud | microservice
How to enable Zuul proxy to Spring Boot micro services
Netflix OSS components (Eureka, Ribbon,Hystrix, Zuul) Overview