★Female Golden Face Ratio - Facial Symmetry Formula★ (Binaural Beats Healing Frequency Music)

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★Female Golden Face Ratio - Facial Symmetry Formula★ Subliminal Binaural Beats Meditation

When your face is the same in size, shape and proportions on both sides of your nose, this is an example of a situation where your face would be described as symmetrical.

Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of the human body emphasised its proportion. The ratio of the distances in his Vitruvian masterpeice displayed the Golden Ratio:

The proportions of the length of the nose, the position of the eyes and the length of the chin, all conform to some aspect of the Golden Ratio.

The Golden Ratio also occurs in nature, in the patterns we see in sunflowers, pine cones and so on. This is largely because one of the best ways to efficiently pack things tightly together is using the Fibonacci sequence.

Historically, the number can be seen in the architecture of many ancient creations, like the Great Pyramids and the Parthenon. In the Great Pyramid of Giza, the length of each side of the base is 756 feet with a height of 481 feet. The ratio of the base to the height is roughly 1.5717, which is close to the Golden ratio.

The human face is based on Phi and Golden Ratio proportions. Phi is more than an obscure term found in mathematics and physics. It appears around us in our daily lives, even in our aesthetic views. Studies have shown that when test subjects view random faces, the ones they deem most attractive are those with solid parallels to the Golden ratio.

The human face abounds with examples of the Golden Ratio, also known as the Golden Section or Divine Proportion.
This formula pushes to get you symmetrical facial features while also pushing towards a Female Golden Face Ratio with divine proportions.
Results will vary based on how far or close you are currently from the Golden Face Ratio and facial symmetry. Once results are achieved the formula will stop working as it has obtained the Golden face ratio.

This Quadible Formula also Contains crystal/gemstone healing vibrations from Selenite, Sulphur, Azurite with Malachite, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli and Clear Quartz Crystals, all energetically and intentionally programmed to get you that Female Golden Face Ratio.

Male Golden Face Ratio is coming soon as well - so stay tuned guys.

★Female Golden Face Ratio - Facial Symmetry Formula★ Subliminal Binaural Beats Meditation


☯ Make sure to drink plenty of PURE WATER to maximize the effects of the frequencies.
You can transition into a meditative state will listening for added benefits.


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♡All Quadible creations are backed by pure love energy, we feel that LOVE is the most powerfulest vibration in the Universe.


♡Thank you to all of you beautiful souls who have graciously made donations as we are filled with endless gratitude. All funds will be contributed to future Quadible formulas/projects.This is not mandatory, we only would like to receive donations that hold pure appreciation/love energy.

If you would like to make a donation see link below.

★Female Golden Face Ratio - Facial Symmetry Formula★ Subliminal Binaural Beats Meditation

This content is for informational, entertaining and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.

♫ All sounds are the copyright of Quadible Integrity
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Definitely is my favorite and it works great.


I love the little Subliminals Secret Society that truly knows the key to a magical glo-up


“Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it gets agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle it, the answer becomes clear."--Master Oogway


Without these comments I don’t think I’ll be as motivated to listen to subliminals as I would.


Am I the only one who really feels euphoric when I see people getting results and being happy like they should? 🥺💞


update week 3:many people have said that i become prettier one time i passed the market i heard a guy says "why is this girl so pretty" and i was shocked


The pics of the girls in the comments are of gorgeous girls! It's crazy how the prettiest girls sometimes don't realize how pretty they are


guys this literally works so well!! in SUCH a SHORT amount of time, i already see HUGE results. and it’s not even me who jus noticed these results. is my family and friends too! they pointed out how everything abt my face is SUPER symmetrical. and ah! i’m jus so thankful :) i love myself even more and i love my symmetrical face! my facial features are so aligned and symmetrical that it literally makes me 1000x more attractive and everyone compliments me! literally everyone notices my results. my smile and teeth are WAY more symmetrical. my face shape overall is so much more attractive and symmetrical. so are my eyes and nose and cheeks! everything on my face is jusway more symmetrical and attractive!! this literally works so well!! i’m not even kidding! im literally so happy and grateful for this :) thank you thank you thank you! ahhh i love it! 🥳🥳


Uhm, guys... Please keep on posting positive comments so everyone will become more uplifted during their transformation. Don't stop believin', we're all in this together. I love you! 😇😘


Hey guys it's been 3 days I m using this and I can see so much changes . My mama keep asking me that what did you done to your face it's look so beautiful and I said it's just changes happening during growth


The key is believing. The human mind is powerful.


This is the best subliminal to use
Like you don't look like another person. You just look like your self in the best way possible


GUYS THIS HAS ACTUALLY BEEN WORKING SO WELL iv listened to this like a couple times a day for 5 days and also an overnight one which is perfect face and body overnight subliminal or something like that and iv seen so much results my face actually looks super good and feminine thank u!!! It also helps to visualize this and believe it but it still works with me barley doing that


i can 100% say this works!!! literally listened 5 times with no booster and saw results the day


No one will see my summer glow up coming with all of the subliminal I’ve been listening to


Hi, been listening since 2018 and it works up to today, people always told me I became prettier and younger as time goes by :) nowadays when I go to beauty centre, the therapists couldn’t help but just be honest and said I dont need this and that. Last year and this year, therapists told me that I have a beautiful forehead that a lot of people may need injection to get that. I used to hate my wide forehead, now it’s more proportional and smooth. you just have to believe 💓


I started listening to this two days ago and when i look in the mirror I feel so confident in my face. I don’t know what has changed or if it’s just my perception. But I have already started to see more beauty in myself.


Subliminals work but only very few people actually have the patience to listen to these subliminals every day for months.


THIS MADE MY EYES SYMMETRICAL WITHIN TWO TO THREE DAYS. One was more closed/squintier than the other now they’re perfectly open!!!


It’s been over a month of listening and i’m still continuing my face structure is symmetrical now ! Thank you so much
