Hawaii Supreme Court Says Spirit Of Aloha Supersedes Constitution & Second Amendment

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The Hawaii Supreme Court dropped a bombshell, justifying why the Second Amendment does not apply to Hawaii citizens with a quote from "The Wire" and the "Spirit of Aloha." 🤨 They argued that the old days are just that – the old days, and contemporary society should not be bound by the cultural norms of the past.

In the ruling, which was penned by Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Todd Eddins, "Article I, section 17 of the Hawaii Constitution mirrors the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution," the Hawaii Supreme Court decision states. "We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaii, there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public."

"The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities," it adds. "The history of the Hawaiian Islands does not include a society where armed people move about the community to possibly combat the deadly aims of others."

In this video, we go through the background 💔 Conflicting Logic.

The court's opinion, which borders on the absurd, questions the compatibility of the Spirit of Aloha with the right to bear arms. How can a term representing the breath of life be used to restrict someone's ability to protect their life? 🤔

If the Spirit of Aloha can be used to compromise the 2nd Amendment, what's next? Are they going to "spirit of aloha away" the 1st, 4th, or 14th Amendments?

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Рекомендации по теме

Any state or territory that restricts People's right to bare arms should lose all government funding


If they aren't going to operate under the law, they shouldn't be able to prosecute under it.


I was going to sell my firearms to the government but they didn't pass the background check.


When he took the oath of office, didnt he swear to "protect and defend The Constitution of the United States"?
Remove him from the bench immediately!


I'm a Hawaii boy so let me explain something to all of you. Our state government does not represent us. Hell most of them aren't even Hawaiian. Case in point, we are currently trying to prevent foreign entities from buying up real estate and land but government officials are fighting it, deeming it unconstitutional. I can tell you first hand that local families here are in many ways very conservative and traditional. We like gun ownership, we like hunting, we like fishing, etc. We're not that different from you. Yes Hawaii has been deep blue for a long time, but just like the coastal states there are a large number of conservatives that live here as well, so please don't go lumping ALL of us together with these politicians. Trust me, we know they suck.


The US Constitution is the Absolute Law of the Land. Nothing supersedes the Constitution in the USA.


These states seem to have no consequences when defying the US Supreme Court along with our rights.

People are getting tired of this bs.


The Supreme Court of Hawaii justices need to be disbarred from that ruling


The infantile Hawaiian judge also stated "A free-wheeling right to carry guns in public degrades other constitutional rights, " as well as, "The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, encompasses a right to freely and safely move in peace and tranquility." I'm so tired of hearing anti-2A people using this tired old trope. A person who possesses a gun for self-defense is in no way denying another person's rights. If a person uses a gun to kill an innocent person they are denying someone's rights. That is also called murder and it is also illegal. But smart people already know this.


The constitution of the State of Hawai'i has its own clause that reads almost identical to the 2A. So they are violating that, too.


1. Is Hawaii a state? 2. Does the constitution supercede state law?
Yes, and yes. Hawaiian supreme Court is WRONG


If Hawaii’s law supersedes the second amendment of the constitution of the United States. Hawaii is no longer a state of the United States. Cut all of their federal funding. They can pay for their own stuff.


This is probably the reason why Hawaii is a place that you visit and not live


Remember to pay your Hawaii taxes in spirit of aloha points going forward. It supersedes dollars.


What the Hell is Aloha gonna do against a mugger ? That Judge needs to be removed from office !


US, has died.... Us as patriots, are on our


As a resident of the American West, I'm okay with this: this sets the precedent for us to ignore all infringements on our rights "in the spirit of Yippee-Kai-Yay".


A judge that can't do the job according to the Constitution is no longer a judge


There is no consequences for judges, politicians, and lawyers who violate the constitution. That is the problem. There needs to be a criminal charge for violations against the constitution. 25 years in prison and $250, 000 fine for governemt officials who willfully violate the constitution.


This judge committed multiple felonies he violated Title 18 U.S.C. section 241 conspiracy against rights(two or more person's), Title 18 U.S.C. section 241 deprivation of rights under color of law, Title 5 U.S.C. section 7311 Ex. ORD. No. 10450 subsection (5)( the court/justice department is a organization, association, group), this judge must by law be immediately removed from his bench under Title 18 U.S.C. section 1918 and the 14th amendment section 3 (executive or judicial officer of any state)(insurrection and rebellion against the constitution of the united states).
