Pororo Season 6 | Crong's little friend | How to make new friends?!

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Crong meets a tiny little caterpillar friend today! Crong decides to take him home and be the caterpillar's friend. Pororo and Crong feed the caterpillar leaves and named him Wiggles!
Can Crong and Wiggle become the best friend?

Now you can watch new episodes of Pororo season 6 every Friday 10 am (PDT) on YouTube!

Crong and Pororo are visiting TongTong. While fooling around, Pororo bumps into a tree and a caterpillar ‘plops’ onto his face! TongTong puts the caterpillar on Crong’s hand. He tells them that it’s a tree-dwelling caterpillar. Unlike Pororo, Crong thinks the wriggly bug is really cute. They decide to bring it home with them. Taking TongTong’s advice, Crong and Pororo pick a bunch of leaves for their new friend, but it’s their first time raising a caterpillar and it’s not as easy as they thought.

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