Novgorod republic - The first and only semi-democratic regime in Russia

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In this video, I explain how semi-democratic regime has been developed in Novgorod. In fact, the political regime was oligarchical due to uniqueness of its geographical location. The main economic factor was capital, not land like in other Russian principalities, which prevented development of large landownership.

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Of course, the real reason of Ivan III's conquest of Novgorod was not its possible union with Lithuania. But Ivan III's desire to unite all Rus principalities under his rule and Novgorod's economic wealth.


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Avevo sentito di Novgorod ma non sapevo avesse questa rilavanza.

Molto ben ricercato, e mi sembra che hai molto potenziale !! 👍


Hmmm, well, I'd include Pskov as well. 1906-1914 period as well. 1991-2021 as well. Semi authoritarian, semi democratic.


Wow! That's all new to me! That they flourishing like Venice or Genoa is fascinating. Imagine how it might have turned out.


Great video (lovely illustrations)! I’m reading “Novgorod : Histoire et archéologie d’une république russe médiévale (970-1478)” by Pierre Gonneau, 2021. And intend to read the German translation of the Chronicle of Novgorod.

The myth of oriental despotism is still very strong in the Western psyche. The Swiss imagine they were the only direct democracy in medieval Europe. The Venetians imagine they were the ones who preserved the republican tradition for Europe. The English are just morons, believing the Magna Carta was the origin of democracy. And the French think the French Revolution was the beginning of democracy for everyone (denying democratic status to all previous systems)… out of this grew the myth of liberal democracy as the light bringer to oriental despotism… but it’s not democratic enough to stave off dictatorship in Russia and the Middle East (even though it’s a success story in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc.).


Thanks for a reminder. Every time they say, that the tyranny or dictatorship is something natural, or in the blood for the Russians, I recall the free Novgorod Republic. Which was crushed by the Muscovites. It's a shame, they couldn't prevail and leave to the Russians their own Carta Magnum. Still, they'll will remain in history as an example, that it was a democratic way.


The title is misleading for I can think of at least one more as you put "semi-democratic regime" in Russia - the Pskov Republic. Oh, and one more thing - Russia was considered to be "partly free" (just like contemporary Ukraine) from the early 90s all the way to mid 2000s by Freedom House so I think this yet again qualifies as a "semi-democratic regime".


Greetings from Russia, even now there are people, including me, who do not accept Muscovy and Moscow as the center of Russia. For us, the true capital of free Russia is Mister Veliky Novgorod, and the flag is white blue white


Hi, new subscriber here! I have the same question as TheosVult. Shouldn't Russia be considered semi-democratic following the USSR's collapse and until the election of Putin?


This principality shows some much resemblances to England... if only it had not been conquered by the Muscovites!


Ivan III conquest of Novgorod is Julius Caesar's conquest of Europe.


Lore of Novgorod republic - The first and only semi-democratic regime in Russia momentum 100


The image you showed of Russian boyars- wasn't that particular style of clothing and hats come AFTER the mongol invasions? I could be wrong, and it is rather difficult to find sources on attire used before and after the mongol invasions. Just wanted to point out that the Boyar picture showed might contain a style from later years!

And I have a question, don't you think Yeltsin's election and even Putin's first election - the early days of the Russian Republic were also a time in Russian history that democracy was implemented? Although for a short time


The sad thing from what I understand is that they didn't even wanted to be part of Russia (actually even their language was a bit different with Paskov speak a more northern east Slavic, including pretty big social differences to other Rus especially Muscovy (which also explain something that I learned from this video on why they rather unify with Lithuania that was actually majority Rus (Ruthenian) too and probably was more of a successor of its legal system then Muscovy).

Above average European country with interesting identity (also had Uralic minority) and potential (that could go either to Lithuania or Scandinavia) that lost its democracy in 15th century and century later was purged by Ivan the terrible.


How interesting that you talk about Russian history, while liking comments about how this part of Russia will break away and become part of NATO! How disgusting...


This was Viking territory? Sea folks? Swedish or Norwegian RUS…Did they speak Russian or Norwegian in 900?


I say we reinstate Novgorod as a sovereign nation and an EU and NATO member once Russia is defeated.
