Step by Step Tutorial - .Net Core MVC REST API

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A full step by step tutorial on how to create a .Net Core MVC REST API completely from scratch. We additionally use Entity Framework Core with Microsoft SQL Server to ensure we have a persistent data back-end.


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- 1:27 : Introduction
- 1:49: Quick Peek at the API
- 4:35: What You'll Learn
- 5:47 : Application Architecture
- 10:39 : Create the Project
- 11:24 : Anatomy of a ASP.NET MVC app
- 13:52 : Program & Startup Classes
- 16:50 : Run Our App
- 18:10 : Updating our Startup Class
- 20:01 : Using Postman
- 22:22 : Create Our Controller
- 30:33 : Create Our Model
- 34:15 : Quick Look at SQL Server
- 35:32 : Entity Framework Core Command Line
- 37:09 : Create our DB Context
- 46:05 : Updating our Startup Class - Again!
- 54:02 : Create Migrations & Update Database
- 58:52 : Adding Test data to SQL Server
- 1:02:11 : Updating our Controller - our first GET Action
- 1:10:49 : Updating our Controller - our 2nd GET Action
- 1:15:59 : Updating our Controller - our POST Action
- 1:23:48 : Updating out Controller - our PUT Action
- 1:32:42 : Updating our Controller - our DELETE Action
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This is awesome. I inherited a bunch of work at my job and the API is all in .Net - Also, I "fixed" the time-stamps for your video so we can click on them and be directly taken to that point in the video :)

- 1:27 - Introduction
- 1:49 - Quick Peek at the API
- 4:35 - What You'll Learn
- 5:47 - Application Architecture
- 10:39 - Create the Project
- 11:24 - Anatomy of a ASP.NET MVC app
- 13:52 - Program & Startup Classes
- 16:50 - Run Our App
- 18:10 - Updating our Startup Class
- 20:01 - Using Postman
- 22:22 - Create Our Controller
- 30:33 - Create Our Model
- 34:15 - Quick Look at SQL Server
- 35:32 - Entity Framework Core Command Line
- 37:09 - Create our DB Context
- 41:30 - Connection String in appsettings.json
- 46:05 - Updating our Startup Class - Again!
- 54:02 - Create Migrations & Update Database
- 58:52 - Adding Test data to SQL Server
- 1:02:11s - Updating our Controller - our first GET Action
- 1:10:49s - Updating our Controller - our 2nd GET Action
- 1:15:59 - Updating our Controller - our POST Action
- 1:23:48s - Updating out Controller - our PUT Action
- 1:32:42 - Updating our Controller - our DELETE Action


this is one of the best tutorials I have seen on YouTube or any platform really. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your knowledge.


One of the best tutorials to understand the basics of the whole thing (.Net Core, MVC, EF and API ) !, thanks so much for your time and your great effort !


My Friend, I have travelled very far to find this PERFECT video explaining .NET core MVC!! I'm a full stack JS dev, its surprising how complicated other people make .NET core MVC seem. What a great teacher and coder! Thank you


Great video
For .Net Core 3.0 you can either
1) Use the new webapi template
2) Use this command to setup MVC: services.AddMvc(option => option.EnableEndpointRouting =


This was SO helpful...I needed to pickup on .Net Core API creation for my job and this one helped immensely to get an overview of how to do it....Please keep the videos coming in...much love and respect!!


Most excellent. Thank you! I backed my way into this from your Microservices full course, wherein you alluded to a previous video explaining websockets and signal r, and then from that video into this one when I was running into problems with versioning stuff, being as I am a relative newbie. I had to work through a number of issues because so much has changed, but I am so very grateful for the whole experience. I learned about Postman and how to use NuGet to pick an align versions of this with versions of that, and, of course, how to do what the tutorial taught. I am much improved for your efforts and mine. Bless you, Les! Now, I am going to resume the tutorial of yours that led me here, intending to complete that one so I can get back to where I was in your Microservices tutorial. I really can't thank you enough, Les.


A video specifically for beginners about what it was worth indicating in the title, a few comments. To work with a real database, it is better to use IQueryable<T>. And for the context of the database it’s better to create an asynchronous service that implements an interface for weak connectivity and inject it into the controller so the code will be cleaner the controller will not perform any checks and unnecessary movements by calling only the service and passing parameters there.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your time doing this very useful video.

Again thanks from a Brazilian student. :)


Great tutorial. Thank you for doing everything from scratch.

In case anyone else got stuck at the Entity Framework step, I also had to run the following command to install the ef tool globally:

"dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef"


I like how you walk through the tutorial, explaining everything in good detail. This is how tutorials should be made. Thanks for the hard work.


This was a fantastic tutorial. So many other people don't get a good balance if when to go into detail and when not to. I felt as though you did a really good job on this. Explained relivant info and briefly mentioned the rest so we could research it for ourselves. Thank you for taking the time to make this! I found it very helpful.


I love the way you start coding from the beginning and explain everything


Great tutorial. I had to change it a little bit when using .Net Core 3.1, but still awesome.


Thank you man, I really appreciate that you speak clearly, so for people that English is not part of the "normal" language, help so much that you speak simple and clear. Also the content of your video is so helpful. Have a great month ;D


This is pretty cool and straight forward, I was looking for some asp net core tutorial and got confused by the tutorial but this one is different. Hope I can give multiple likes.


Perfect tutorial! Thoroughly explains how to create endpoints and what each method does. Thank you!


Your explanation has opened my eyes to how entertainingly simple solutions can be on point. Thanks Les!


You are the best!!. I will keep following your tutorial and recommend same to my colleagues. Thanks for your efforts and to say it comes free, I lack words to express how I feel. Thank you Les!


The only one .NetCore tutorial I found worked. Thank you very much!!! Waiting for advanced series
