Learn HTML5 and CSS3 From Scratch - Full Course

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HTML and CSS are essential skills to have for a career in web development.

In this course we will cover both languages from the scratch and by the end of the course you will be creating your own projects.

(0:00) Intro
(2:47) What is HTML
(5:11) Google Chrome and Visual Studio Code
(6:02) Download Google Chrome
(8:11) Download Visual Studio Code
(13:58) Create A Project
(16:09) First Webpage
(20:35) Visual Code Settings
(22:48) Download Live Server Extension
(26:59) Basic HTML Document Structure
(29:05) Implementing Basic Document Structure
(34:50) Word Wrap and Emmet
(40:24) Heading Elements
(44:33) Paragraph Elements
(47:50) White Space Collapsing
(49:22) Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text
(51:17) Images
(57:15) Multiple Path Options
(1:00:06) External Images
(1:02:43) Nice Images
(1:05:49) Width and Height Attribute
(1:08:40) Crop Images
(1:12:07) Proper Path
(01:15:37) Comments And Line Breaks
(01:19:47) External Links
(01:23:32) Internal Links
(01:25:53) Links Within Page
(01:30:10) Empty Links
(01:32:39) Sup And Sub Elements
(01:34:39) Strong And Em Elements
(01:37:02) Special Characters In Html
(01:38:58) Unordered Lists
(01:41:25) Ordered Lists
(01:42:18) Nested Lists
(01:43:57) Table Element
(01:46:10) Forms - Input And Submit Elements
(01:58:12) Forms - Textarea - Radio - Checkbox
(02:09:40) Prettier And Code Formatter
(02:14:56) Keyboard Shortcuts
(02:26:06) External Resources - Head Element
(02:30:15) Html Project Intro
(02:32:16) Project Setup
(02:35:17) Download Images
(02:39:02) Logo, Heading, Navigation
(02:42:51) Home Page Completed
(02:54:30) About Page
(02:58:09) Numbers Page
(03:04:14) Contact Page
(03:09:11) Resource Files
(03:09:42) Text Editor Setup
(03:16:03) Css Intro
(03:17:35) Workspace Setup
(03:20:22) Inline Css
(03:23:40) Course Resources
(03:25:01) Internal Css
(03:28:00) External Css
(03:39:40) Power Struggle
(03:44:17) Basic Css Syntax
(03:52:27) Element Selectors
(03:55:15) Grouping Selectors
(03:57:27) Id Selectors
(04:02:09) Class Selectors
(04:06:17) Id And Class Selector Summary
(04:08:30) Div And Span Elements
(04:16:44) CSS Inheritance
(04:20:08) More Info On Inheritance
(04:22:30) Last Rule, Specificity, Universal Selector
(04:27:33) Colors Intro
(04:28:13) Color And Background-Color Properties
(04:32:33) Color Names
(04:33:30) Rgb
(04:37:46) Rgba
(04:44:33) Hex
(04:50:58) Vs-Code Color Options
(04:52:57) External Resources
(04:55:39) Units Intro
(04:56:18) Pixels, Font-Size, Width, Height
(05:02:13) Percent Values
(05:05:44) Em Values
(05:11:42) Rem Values
(05:14:41) VH And VW
(05:19:14) Default Browser Syles
(05:29:07) Calc Function
(05:33:38) Typography Intro
(05:34:07) Font-Family
(05:36:47) Font-Stack Generic Fonts
(05:39:23) Google Fonts
(05:46:00) Font-Weight Font-Style
(05:53:30) Text-Align And Text-Indent
(05:56:52) More Text Properties
(06:04:31) Box-Model Intro
(06:04:53) Padding
(06:13:28) Margin
(06:19:01) Border
(06:23:57) Border-Radius, Negative Margin
(06:27:24) Outline Property
(06:34:58) Display Property Intro
(06:35:19) Display Property
(06:43:26) Basic Horizontal Centering
(06:48:11) Mobile Navbar Example
(06:58:29) Box-Sizing Border-Box
(07:06:46) Display Inline-Block
(07:09:29) Display:none, Opacity, Visibility
(07:16:20) Background-Image Intro
(07:16:43) Background Images Setup
(07:19:43) Background-Image-Property
(07:27:45) Background-Repeat
(07:34:07) Background-Size
(07:36:58) Background-Position
(07:41:18) Background-Attachment
(07:47:04) Linear-Gradients
(07:56:49) Background Image Shortcuts Combined
(08:06:56) Linear-Gradient Colorzilla
(08:11:08) Float Position Intro
(08:11:47) Float Property
(08:19:18) Float Property Column Layout Example
(08:25:59) Position Static
(08:30:44) Position Relative
(08:33:18) Position Absolute
(08:38:42) Position Fixed
(08:42:30) Media Quries
(08:57:07) Z-Index
(09:06:04) ::Before And ::After Pseudo Elements
(09:27:14) Css Selectors Intro
(09:28:26) Basic Selectors
(09:31:07) Descendant Child Selectors
(09:35:50) First Line And First Letter
(09:36:56) :Hover Pseudo-Class Selector
(09:40:03) Link Pseudo-Class Selectors
(09:44:36) Root Preudo-Class Selectors
(09:51:01) Transform,Transition,And Animations
(09:52:17) Transform:transition()
(09:58:52) Transform:scale()
(10:01:20) Transform:rotate()
(10:04:47) Transform:skew()
(10:06:31) Transition Property
(10:09:13) Multiple Transition
(10:11:11) Transition Delay
(10:16:36) Transition-Timing Function
(10:25:51) Animation
(10:35:51) Animation-Fill-Mode
(10:40:53) Last Module Intro
(10:41:32) Css Variables
(10:56:19) Font-Awesome Icons
(11:07:55) Text-Shadow Box-Shadow
(11:14:44) Browser Prefixes
(11:19:23) Semantic Tags
(11:24:11) Emmet Workflow

Рекомендации по теме

1)What is HTML - 2:47
2)Google Chrome and Visual Studio Code - 5:11
3)Download Google Chrome - 6:02
4)Download Visual Studio Code - 8:11
5)Create A Project - 13:58
6)First Webpage - 16:09
7)Visual Code Settings - 20:35
8)Download Live Server Extension - 22:48
9)Basic HTML Document Structure - 26:59
10)Implementing Basic Document Structure - 29:05
11)Word Wrap and Emmet - 34:50
12)Heading Elements - 40:24
13) Paragraph Elements - 44:33
14)White Space Collapsing - 47:50
15)Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text - 49:22
16)Images - 51:17
17)Multiple Path Options - 57:15
18)External Images - 1:00:06
19)Nice Images - 1:02:43
20)Width and Height Attribute - 1:05:49
21)Crop Images - 1:08:40
22)Proper Path-1:12:07
23) Comments And Line Breaks - 01:15:37
24) External Links - 01:19:47
25) Internal Links - 01:23:32
26) Links Within Page - 01:25:53
27) Empty Links - 01:30:10
28) Sup And Sub Elements - 01:32:39
29) Strong And Em Elements - 01:34:39
30) Special Characters In Html - 01:37:02
31) Unordered Lists - 01:38:58
32) Ordered Lists - 01:41:25
33) Nested Lists - 01:42:18
34) Table Element - 01:43:57
35) Forms - Input And Submit Elements - 01:46:10
36) Forms - Textarea - Radio - Checkbox - 01:58:12
37) Prettier And Code Formatter - 02:09:40
38) Keyboard Shortcuts - 02:14:56
39) External Resources - Head Element - 02:26:06
40) Html Project Intro - 02:30:15
41) Project Setup - 02:32:16
42) Download Images - 02:35:17
43) Logo, Heading, Navigation - 02:39:02
44) Home Page Completed - 02:42:51
45) About Page - 02:54:30
46) Numbers Page - 02:58:09
47) Contact Page - 03:04:14
48) Resource Files - 03:09:11
49) Text Editor Setup - 03:09:42
50) Css Intro - 03:16:03
51) Workspace Setup - 03:17:35
52) Inline Css - 03:20:22
53) Course Resources - 03:23:40
54) Internal Css - 03:25:01
55) External Css - 03:28:00
56) Power Struggle - 03:39:40
57) Basic Css Syntax - 03:44:17
58) Element Selectors - 03:52:27
59) Grouping Selectors - 03:55:15
60) Id Selectors - 03:57:27
61) Class Selectors - 04:02:09
62) Id And Class Selector Summary - 04:06:17
63) Div And Span Elements - 04:08:30
64) CSS Inheritance - 04:16:44
65) More Info On Inheritance - 04:20:08
66) Last Rule, Specificity, Universal Selector - 04:22:30
67) Colors Intro - 04:27:33
68) Color And Background-Color Properties - 04:28:13
69) Color Names - 04:32:33
70) Rgb - 04:33:30
71) Rgba - 04:37:46
72) Hex - 04:44:33
73) Vs-Code Color Options - 04:50:58
74) External Resources - 04:52:57
75) Units Intro - 04:55:39
76) Pixels, Font-Size, Width, Height - 04:56:18
77) Percent Values - 05:02:13
78) Em Values - 05:05:44
79) Rem Values - 05:11:42
80) VH And VW - 05:14:41
81) Default Browser Syles - 05:19:14
82) Calc Function - 05:29:07
83) Typography Intro - 05:33:38
84) Font-Family - 05:34:07
85) Font-Stack Generic Fonts - 05:36:47
86) Google Fonts - 05:39:23
87) Font-Weight Font-Style - 05:46:00
88) Text-Align And Text-Indent - 05:53:30
89) More Text Properties - 05:56:52
90) Box-Model Intro - 06:04:31
91) Padding - 06:04:53
92) Margin - 06:13:28
93) Border - 06:19:01
94) Border-Radius, Negative Margin - 06:23:57
95) Outline Property - 06:27:24
96) Display Property Intro - 06:34:58
97) Display Property - 06:35:19
98) Basic Horizontal Centering - 06:43:26
99) Mobile Navbar Example - 06:48:11
100) Box-Sizing Border-Box - 06:58:29
101) Display Inline-Block - 07:06:46
102) Display:none, Opacity, Visibility - 07:09:29
103) Background-Image Intro - 07:16:20
104) Background Images Setup - 07:16:43
105) Background-Image-Property - 07:19:43
106) Background-Repeat - 07:27:45
107) Background-Size - 07:34:07
108) Background-Position - 07:36:58
109) Background-Attachment - 07:41:18
110) Linear-Gradients - 07:47:04
111) Background Image Shortcuts Combined - 07:56:49
112) Linear-Gradient Colorzilla - 08:06:56
113) Float Position Intro - 08:11:08
114) Float Property - 08:11:47
115) Float Property Column Layout Example - 08:19:18
116) Position Static - 08:25:59
117) Position Relative - 08:30:44
118) Position Absolute - 08:33:18
119) Position Fixed - 08:38:42
120) Media Quries - 08:42:30
121) Z-Index - 08:57:07
122) ::Before And ::After Pseudo Elements - 09:06:04
123) Css Selectors Intro - 09:27:14
124) Basic Selectors - 09:28:26
125) Descendant Child Selectors - 09:31:07
126) First Line And First Letter - 09:35:50
127) :Hover Pseudo-Class Selector - 09:36:56
128) Link Pseudo-Class Selectors - 09:40:03
129) :Root Preudo-Class Selectors - 09:44:36
130) Transform, Transition, And Animations - 09:51:01
131) Transform:transition() - 09:52:17
132) Transform:scale() - 09:58:52
133) Transform:rotate() - 10:01:20
134) Transform:skew() - 10:04:47
135) Transition Property - 10:06:31
136) Multiple Transition - 10:09:13
137) Transition Delay - 10:11:11
138) Transition-Timing Function - 10:16:36
139) Animation - 10:25:51
140) Animation-Fill-Mode - 10:35:51
141) Last Module Intro - 10:40:53
142) Css Variables - 10:41:32
143) Font-Awesome Icons - 10:56:19
144) Text-Shadow Box-Shadow - 11:07:55
145) Browser Prefixes - 11:14:44
146) Semantic Tags - 11:19:23
147) Emmet Workflow - 11:24:11


To who ever see’s this comment : i know the feeling when you see an 11h long vid, but trust me you can do it!
You are no different from the people who have finished this course, i am 5h in and it seems hard but do not give up, you chose this path for a reason so giving up is not a choice!


I know this video is long but it really helped me grasp the basics of html and css. Now I've built projects and learnt SASS. Currently learning JavaScript. Don't give up.


Two years later after you uploaded this video I find it and is still so useful! Your explanations are very clear and to the point. Thank you so much!


Freecodecamp be like:
I'm about to start this man's whole career


Some day in the future we're all gonna come back and recall this as the first video which got us started!


day one - 57:58
day two - 1:50:00
day three - 4:01:00
day four - 6:04:34 6:30:00
day six - 7:51:00
day seven - 8:42:30
day eight 10:12:00


Thank you for this wonderful video. It's almost three years now, but I can tell you this is one of the best video out there. You are amazing!


Took off my ad blocker because I have respect for y'all.


I watched the whole course and the only thing that I can tell you guys is that this course is highly recommended and it would be one of the best tutorials you may find in this field. It is quite handy and you also enjoy the instructor since he is quite professional and has a sense of humour.
Good luck to those who like to watch the whole course. It takes three days four hours daily.


the best html and css tutorial i've ever seen on youtube. thanks learning a lot from you, sir.


Your long tutorial is just what I needed to learn html and css from scratch. Thanks for the hard work of creating such a lengthy tutorial. Also it has much to learn for new users of visual source code text editor and chrome developer tools.


Whos downvoting? Its high quality FREE course. Author is sharing his knowledge for 11 hours. How come you could press that downvote button?


strangely I feel comfort at the fact that we are all watching this video during quarantine in order to develop new skills. lets stay motivated guys!


Hello everyone! 👋🏻
I'm super excited, I just finished this video, but I can say that totally is worth it. To be honest I started to program like 2 years ago, starting with HTML and CSS. At that time, I learned pretty basic stuff, and I didn't learn HTML and CSS more deeply.
Then I realized that I gotta master my skills, and I just took this course. It's really impressive, I learned new things, and I understand some things that I was confused about. Now, I can say that I am confident with HTML and CSS, and I can't wait to get on with it, practice and make cool projects.
Thanks, Professor, you're my lifesaver... 🤗


Day1 -1:58:00
Day2 -3:10:00
Day3 - 5:25:00
Day4 - 7:00:00
Day5 - 9:06:20
Day6 - 11:30:52

it's a detailed video about HTML and CSS go for it.. best of luck.


I misspoke in
72) Hex - 04:44:33
Hex does not give you more color options. I was trying to make a case that it might be easier to select colors using hex since you can do shorthands (#fff) and use hexadecimal integers, so sort of having more selecting options. But It came out as more colors options for sure. My bad.


I just finished the tutorial (after 3 days), and I can say it is pretty much equivalent to my University course!

Thanks for the detailed video, it had everything! I suggest x1.25 speed to save 3+ hours in the long run.
have fun watching :)


Right now I'm at 10:41:21, just came here to appreciate this awesome tutorial. This was my very first experience to start with coding and I think now I feel better and will look forward to learn the other languages!❤️


Finished! What an amazing video, thanks a lot for sharing, you are the man John!!!!
Onto the next!
