Verdi's Don Carlos Trailer (The Met: Live in HD 2021/22 Season)

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An Associated Project of Le French May 2022

For the first time in company history, the Met presents the original five-act French version of Verdi’s epic opera of doomed love among royalty, set against the backdrop of the Spanish Inquisition. Patrick Furrer leads a world-beating cast of opera’s leading lights in performance, including tenor Matthew Polenzani in the title role, soprano Sonya Yoncheva as Élisabeth de Valois, and mezzo-soprano Jamie Barton as Eboli. Bass Eric Owens and bass-baritone John Relyea are Philippe II and the Grand Inquisitor, and baritone Étienne Dupuis rounds out the all-star principal cast as Rodrigue. Verdi’s masterpiece receives a monumental new staging by David McVicar that marks his 11th Met production, placing him among the most prolific and popular directors in recent Met memory.

威爾第筆下這個有關宮幃內禁忌之戀的史詩式歌劇,將有史以來首次在美國大都會歌劇院上演歌劇的原裝法語版本。歌劇以西班牙的宗教裁判時期為背景。帕特里克.富勒爾 (Patrick Furrer) 帶領歌劇界中星光熠熠的頂級陣容出演:男高音馬修.布蘭札尼 (Matthew Polenzani) 飾演主角,女高音頌雅.詠切娃 (Sonya Yoncheva) 飾演伊莉莎白,以及女中音潔米.巴頓 (Jamie Barton) 演出艾伯莉。男低音埃里克.歐文斯 (Eric Owens) 與低音男中音約翰.雷利亞 (John Relyea) 分別飾演西班牙國王菲臘二世和大裁判官,男中音艾蒂安.廸普伊 (Étienne Dupuis) 飾演羅德里格。大衛.麥克維卡 (David McVicar) 為威爾第的傑作設計了氣度恢宏的新舞台。本劇的舞台設計是他在美國大都會歌劇院的第十一個作品,使他成為近年來美國大都會歌劇院中最多產且受歡迎的導演之一。
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