Bug Spotlight: Warrior (Guild Wars 2)

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Brilliant idea for a video series. Sad reality is, it often needs an influential person to shine light on things light these, while simple bug-reports are rarely enough.


This is fun "popcorn" content. Enjoyable and simple GW2 noise -- more plz


Similairyly to Gunsaber skills, Core and Primal bursts, don't show in the skills menu. To see core bursts you have to eguip the weapons, and to see primal ones, to that + get angry. Additionally you can mouse over [Primal Rage] trait to see primal bursts, or open GW2 wiki.

Anyway, thanks Muk.

This video alone is more genuene attention than Warrior recieved from Arenanerds this past decade.


If I made a video on this it would actually be 3H long: Also *Dagger leap tooltips, Fan of Fire's reticle level 1/2 size, and literally everything else on Bladesworn.* But I love you forever for making this. 😄 Thank you


To be fair people would have to play bladesworn to report the bugs :D


Thank you for making this video, fellow human. I, too, like Gen 3 bacon.


The genius of detailing the bugs like this is behind the fact that you needed to read the tooltips and in-game information to understand the class instead of only playing it and passivelly absorbing the mechanics.
Since i play warrior all the time all of these aren't bugs to me because i got used to the class so much i never read those tooltips again.
Seriously, my mind read that the kick is three hundred but my brain goes "kick not so good" instead of noticing it had a problem.
Best way to solve these problems is if we had a bootcamp themed event zone, like the sparring arena in lowlands, that introduces other classes to players. Players would need to READ the tooltips of other classes and would learn from it. A cool way would be if two npcs performed the skills for us, like if we had a fighting game little video tutorial that plays when we check the move list.


0:25 is savage af. I love, hahaha!

Great video. Should definitely do more of these for the other classes if they have any (lol, look at me saying "if" XD)

Thanks Muk!


Thank you for this video. The warrior profession needs some attention, I feel like it has been lacking some polish over the years. For this video I will send you a delicious blue cheese pizza.


The primal bursts that have to be channeled like sword and spear, do not apply quickness correctly with "Heat the Soul". They will apply it with the first cast, but after using blood reckoning to reset, it does not trigger quickness again. This is why the power quickness berserker has to use concentration sigils with the current spear meta build. That way you don't drop quickness while doing the spear loop of the rotation.


This shows just how understaffed ArenaNet must be (been there, done that, very happy to no longer be a however, the ones where they seem to have fixed it in one spot but not even thought to check other very similar spots (like the signet one)) makes me think they're not exactly very switched on, too.

Great video idea, btw! Obviously, you're doing it out of love for the game.. but ArenaNet should give you (and those bringing bugs to attention) a bug bounty reward!


This is great. There are quite a few bugs that are nitpicky but annoying, and despite being reported numerous times on the forums they don't seem to be looked into. Videos like these actually help a lot to give these issues visibility, since it's fair to say the team generally keeps up with gw2 related videos


I think Gorrik should be the oficial mascot of the whole Bug catching series >D


One of the bugs I was made aware of in the SC Helpdesk discord was that the berserker primal bursts for sword and spear both have the same issue: If you use the primal burst, then the berserker heal (blood reckoning) and then repeat the primal burst (since it gets reset by the heal) you do NOT get berserk uptime extension NOR to you apply quickness with Heat the Soul (quickness trait) a second time (from the second burst skill). This currently is an issue for spear quickness berserker and forces it to run boon duration due to a bug. For sword, at least on optimized rotations, you never double cast the primal burst anyways.


I literally thought this was a Captain Crapface video when I clicked on this. 🤣 Form every warrior -- thank you so much.

P.S. Like many unexplained Warrior things: They've acknowledged that the longbow f1's triggering when they hit the ground is intended (for now) mostly because the rest of longbow is possibly the worst weapon in the game. -- They just fixed spear F1's to not trigger on ground hit' for example.


i have to say i would LOVE to see an engineer bug breakdown! That class is so loaded with skills each having on avg. 3 effects there HAS to be some stuff wrong :D


Interesting video. If you do one for thief: The cooldown effect of the trait 'Improvisation' (Deadly Arts) is not triggered when 'Steal' is reset by the Deadeye skill 'Mercy.' -> Steal is used again, utility skill is reduced. Steal is reset by 'Mercy, ' and when using Steal, the cooldown is then NOT reduced.


Definitely should check out thief, especially the deadeye bug that's been around for two years in instances such as silent surf that makes the malice pips the same color as the empty gauge...


Watch Anet fix it in or around 5 years or so. Sword 2 on mesmer was appearently a bug in the game for close to 5 years. It suddenly got "fixed" one random patch. Never did they achknowledge it, or tell us about it. Instead they just randomly woke up one day and decided "Oh yeah, that's a bug. Let's squash it".

That bug however added a depth to the mesmer sword in pvp and it actually HAD a "drawback" so it wasn't just a upside to utilizing it. And it was insanley reflex dependent if you managed to utilize it.

It worked like this"
As is normal, you press the skill and it gives you a channeled evasion, however you used to be able to stow it and it would go on a shorter cooldown (like with all stowed skills) but still gain the benefit of the evasion for like 1/4 of a second. Timed correctly it could negate for example a DH's true shot but it stilll went on cooldown for 3 or 4 seconds. If you stowed it too late it would go on full cooldown. So it was a timing issue, and sword 2 had a upper skill level to it's kit in competetive modes.



guardian submission: willbender's F1 rushing justice does not give its effect underwater at all
