DRIVE MY CAR - Movie Review

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The dinner scene was beautiful as everyone was communicating in one way or another.


I appreciate your take on the movie. I just saw it yesterday at a theater in Denver, so I'm still in a process of digesting the contents. Funny surprise was that because I'm Japanese I had thought that I was going to get a free ride in terms of language requirement. But I ended up with reading the subtitle text all the way to the end in order not to miss or to understand the complexity of psychological web woven into the cinema. Also it was partially because of an experimental multi-lingual approach introduced in the story's theatrical work (drama within the drama) as a metaphorical means and the mirror like function for the thematically issues of our communication straggle to made me read the subtitle. Since I'm an artist myself, the behind the scene creative process such as that was familiar to me at the same time refreshing to see it in my face. I loved the intentional stoic emotionless text reading practice forced onto the auditioned actors chosen for the production of Chekhov work. That had a metaphorical impact on the theme, I thought.


My favourite film in a long time. There's absolutely nothing in the text, not one thread, that I do not feel in my bones, nothing that does not move me profoundly. It had me on the edge of my seat by the hour mark and floored by the third, and i started the film pretty comfortable in bed.


The redundancy of the film is like the actors preparing for the play.
Why are we reading the text over and over again they ask each other.
They focus so much on the text that they drop their guard and whatever emotion the text calls forth slips out of them without them noticing.


I can see you tearing up at the end while talking about the resolution. I feel the same way. Such a deeply moving film to even just think about


Your review is everything I couldn’t verbalize. Obviously getting best pic and best directing nominations I knew this movie would be good. But goodness… it took until the dinner scene with the Korean couple for the magic to finally take me over. And then that 30 min prologue with Oto …that was so boring actually so important. The last scene in the play with that actress saying we will struggle and suffer… but we will rest. We will rest. I was fully sobbing. And then the actual ending of the film. Perfection. My fav film in the last 5 years. The “Sachi” story broke my heart. That actresses delivery was so on point.


To answer your question: I think it is the right length for the reasons you gave (as well as several commentators). I loved it. I listen to audiobooks, so a full story in just 3 hours is a real bargain (this movie is novelistic). The ending is what makes it whole, which is also its strength.


Wow, what a film! And wow, what an analysis! I saw the film last night (march 23, European premiere) and it's still 'ringing around in my mind'. Thinking about: "What did I see, what does this all mean, how it touches and moves me." Girl, you hit it spot on. We definitely saw the same film. I totaly agree with you. One more thing, the the car it self. I'm not a car-person, but what a beautyful car that Saab 900 turbo is. It makes me wanna cry when I see i driving by! And this car is soo connected and in the film and plays such an important role as well. I wouldn't call it another 'character' but I try to find a 'term' that defines it's 'role'. I came up with a "cradle", because (as a vehicle) it cradles around the characters and their stories and it protects them, binds and hold them. But if anyone finds a better word that hold a better description, I like to hear it.
Yes, this film is complex, deep and it makes you work hard watching it, but it's worth it. Just realize it's 3 hours long and set your mind for it.


I did like the meta nature of it as it once again asserts the notion that life and fiction are often quite similar. Not super deep I know but it’s what I love about films like F for Fake, Day for Night, Contempt, Drive My Car.


Maggie you have got to watch The Worst Person in the World


Was curious about your thoughts of this. I found this a very hypnotic and moving film. Definitely slow at parts but thankfully it was a beautifully shot and brilliantly acted. A really unique viewing experience


If you read Haruki Murakami's work he leaves space and distance sometimes for us to fill in our own suggestions as to where the story is or ends. Kudos to the director for taking the source material and expanding on it, giving it more flesh and bone. I recently saw The Batman and it overstayed its film time. This was three hours long and I was so taken by this movie I felt it could've gone on longer. The theme of grief and trying to find commonality with others is part of the human condition. I felt both of them felt a sense of guilt and regret which left them in perpetual standstill. This was a terrific film in a year that has already given us Red Rocket, The Worse Person in the World etc.


Damn- now that's a review! I'm simultaneously jealous I can't think this deep about movies, and in admirable awe- fantastic job!


I really liked the first 40 minutes of the movie, getting a peak into this strange creative process of the wife and also the unusual dynamic of their relationship. The actress who played the main character's wife gave the best performance of the film I feel.

And much later the scene in the car, the conversation between the protagonist and the younger actor was very moving and I loved the metaphor of the story; it was so heartbreaking.

But I think the tragedy in the main character's life was enough; I don't think the film needed the almost unbelievable tragedies of the driver and the younger actor.

This is something I've noticed in other asian films as well, these unbelievable tragedies the characters experience that are so tragic they almost border on the absurd, or the comical.

His wife having a cerebral hemorrhage before they could have their talk, that was tragic enough. We didn't need the driver's mom (who also had dissociative identity disorder?) being killed in a landslide and the younger actor going to prison for murdering an amateur paparazzi. It was too much. All that stuff just really took me out of the movie. What was next? We learn that the mute girl's whole family died in a bus accident? This is what I mean that the tragedy is so unbelievable it starts to border on the absurd, almost comical.

But I did enjoy the meditative quality of the film as you said, and the scene you mentioned when they're holding up the cigarettes through the sunroof also stuck out to me. Such a beautiful shot! Especially with the halo from one of the streetlights sitting perfectly between their hands, like the moon or a setting sun. That shot just came together perfectly.

I do wish we got more of Ota's stories and metaphors and less of the driver and the younger actor's stories.


Beautiful review, from someone who actually SAW & felt the movie!
Thank you so much!


I have been watching your videos lately, and this is the one that made me subscribe. It’s an excellent review of a deeply beautiful, human, profound film. I have not watched this since my first viewing back in March, but I believe I will be rewatching it soon. Also (I know Oscars don’t matter, time does with films), this was my personal pick for Best Picture this year. I do like CODA to a certain degree and I do get why it won (feel good movie that a lot of people like in dark times), but this to me is the best of that category from this year.


Yusuke tellin Takatsuki to keep his wife’s name out of his fucking mouth lol


It's 2024 and I just watched the movie, it was so cool watching the way it unfurls like a lotus. There were times it felt that it was meandering a bit, then when you realize how everything is weaving in and out of each other and all the pieces come together it's such a cathartic conclusion


I thought film was brilliant its definitely a slow burner. When the film finished i was left in awe of what i experienced. It felt like was watching the life of somebody in real even though i was aware it was film. I dont sounds really dumb. But whole idea of grief and how we deal it and we convince ourselves that we're ok. Because we've managed to go on with life even certain amount of years pass from certain persons death. I can definitely relate and this film expressed brilliantly how i feel sometimes about someone's passing and how even the littles noments in life like that car scene where they light a cigarette but dont smoke in car (because of the main character rules) instead put their hands through the sunroof little moments like that in life are beatiful. I guess last thing i loved was when they were in house of the mute lady having dinner and when she spoke in sign language instead what she is saying translated on screen with subtitles we instead get the translation from her husband. I dont why i thought that was a nice touch. Lol


I kind of agree with everything you said. At first I thought the movie was not going anywhere or that it was taking too long to get to it, but it kept unfolding all the way through pretty nicely. I loved the “bad guy” in the film as well. It was a very good performance that gave the movie a lot of personality and honestly I wish he would’ve been a bigger part of the ending. In any case, I agree with you it’s worth it for the people that like slow movies, but I could see some people finding too long and slow to stay on board the entire time
