REVIEW: Nerf LMTD Mandalorian Phase Pulse Blaster

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Hasbro hopped on the crowdfunding bandwagon just over a year ago when they launched Hasbro Pulse, and it wouldn't be long before they set their sights on releasing Nerf products through this new avenue. Late into 2020, they announced their first limited release under the Nerf LMTD line: The Mandalorian Phase Pulse Blaster. As a fan of the Disney + series and nerf, I chose to drop the $120 to preorder this blaster and see if the LMTD line is worth the hype.

Mired in delays, controversy, and poor delivery in every sense of the phrase, I can only hope the three other blasters they started preorders for will be better. As for the blaster I have in my hands... this is not the way.

FAQ & Corrections:

0:00 Opening
0:13 Unboxing
2:23 "The Mandalorian" Series
2:59 First Impressions
3:21 The Controversy
4:24 More Impressions
4:53 Performance
5:07 Breech-Loading Action
6:03 Ergonomics
6:38 Other Features
7:19 Bowing Barrell
7:44 Aesthetics
9:02 Compared to the Other Blaster
9:43 Molding Details
10:25 Shipping Issues
11:00 Lights & Sounds
11:58 The Not-So-Limited Nerf LMTD
12:57 Other LMTD Blasters
13:24 Rating
14:13 Closing Remarks

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Edited by J Perry Heun, Out of Darts Video Editor
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It was never meant to be a performer, but it doesn't feel like a good prop either.
What do you think? Is this blaster a one-off, or is it a sign of a much larger trend? I'd love to see what you have to say in the comments!


OOD gave it a 1 star review and he's like the nicest dude in the hobby AND a fan of the show. I honestly don't think I was hard enough on it. I'd do the whole review again and really give it a piece of my mind.


This is the greatest blaster of all time.


Walcom verified that it is indeed Sharpie on one of his live streams; he was able to wipe it off with rubbing alcohol and then put silver sharpie back on it, and it was 100% the same.


Was this coordinated with coop lol literally to the minute XD


Im a professional prop maker. Trust me this is not prop standard realism. I’m sick of toy companies conning people into spending more money on a plastic badly painted toy because they’ve decided to slap ‘prop replica’ on the packaging. You should expect a hell of a lot more


I know this wasn't going to be a performer, but the crappy quality and bad paint (Sharpie) accent renders thing thing quite ridiculous for the price. I did received a lot of hate when I released my review, I almost thought I was wrong... But seeing pretty much all reviews coming to my conclusions is kind of reassuring! Good Job as always!


Wow! That's the lowest rating I've seen you give! I can tell that this blaster was not produced to the standard it had the potential for, I really hope that the other Limited blasters like the Aliens Rifle and the Destiny Rocket Launcher are done better. Thanks for the review! 🧡💜


Yours came in way better condition than mine


The action is super cool. I wish they'd make a performer rifle like this. Something like a trapdoor springfield


5:30 dude showed us why reading instructions is key


Great review. Love the show, but won't be picking this one up.
If anyone still wants one my local EB Games (thats Australian for Game Stop) has piles of them. Not the cheap orange one, this limited one.
No idea why Pulse pre-orders are still waiting.


A deserving one star if i ever saw one. My suggestion, cut the barrel off, paint it, sand it, spring upgrade it, and do what is neccasary to put the IM from an sp-l in it. Boom! Not a jolt anymore. Still overpriced, though.


I did get a full credit for the one I got that shipped in the collector box which was damaged and had the shipping labels and stickers on it.


It must cost at least 50$ for nerf to paint both side of the blaster gold.


I've always been of the opinion that lights and sounds almost immediately makes even a semi prop like blaster seem tacky and rubbish. Never liked them, and have always removed batteries from props if/when I can. Anyone buying this for use as a prop will always paint it, so the $50 option is just a terrible slap in the face for anyone unfortunate enough to have bought this blaster. I'm sincerely glad I talked myself out of it, I would have been nothing but angry and disappointed, not to mention £130 out of pocket


I'd still love to see a whole team armed with these in a blaster battle. Not saying they would win, but I'd like to see it.


Great review as always!

I’ve already ranted on reddit. But I’m with you on that rating. Just not worth the pricing. This is a bad look at this Limited line they have going. You would think they’d would meet expectations to ensure more people buy the following products but this makes me not even want to buy the Needler which I’ve preordered.

I would want the Gjallarhorn, but seeing all that white on it already, I’m just gonna pass.

I myself am a huge Star Wars fan and love every bit of The Mandalorian and thought this blaster would be a great addition. But here we are.


I don't understand why they didn't relocate the plunger so that the stock could actually be gripped. If you look at pictures of the original prop, you'll see how much more ergonomic the stock/grip are (longer too!) and I can't believe there wasn't a way around that plunger tube


Like your reaction to this blaster is the best!!! It made me laugh!!!! There is nothing practice about this blaster and I would have told you to not buy it. I would have if I had the money just to collect it, but I didn’t. I would paint it and hang out on the wall. Just because to add it to the collection. It’s not worth the money or modding. Thanks for reviewing at least. Keep up the good work.
