Mastering RTOS Debugging Techniques

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Using an RTOS has almost become a necessity when developing a real-time embedded system. The problem is that many developers are just starting to use an RTOS and are not familiar with the methodologies and techniques necessary to quickly and efficiently debug their RTOS based application code. In this webinar, attendees will become familiar with the latest and greatest techniques and tools necessary to debug their code. Important concepts such as properly sizing thread stacks, using event viewers and discovering issues such as priority inversions, deadlock and thread starvation will be examined. The webinar will provide hands-on demonstrations using the NXP's K64 Freedom Board which uses as ARM Cortex-M4 processor with the Keil MDK toolchain, RTX5 RTOS and Percepio’s Tracealyzer.

Topics Covered in this Webinar Include
• Performing a worst-case stack analysis during run-time
• Setting up an event recorder and monitoring system events
• Understanding Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
• Methods for enabling system trace (RTT, TCP/IP, USB)
• Exploring ITM and ETM capabilities
• Example techniques for detecting stack overflow, priority inversion and other common RTOS issues.
• Best practices for using an RTOS in an embedded system
• Tracing program execution using Tracealyzer
• Recommendations for going further
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The structure of this video really helped retain they major points.
thank you for organizing the information.


My debugger only has JTAG, i.e. no real-time tracing via Arm's ITM SWV (SWD+SWO) or J-Link RTT.

How can Tracealyzer be used, either streaming via uart (USB CDC), or versus placing in ram for later analysis?

Would love to see a typical debug session using Eclipse+Tracealyzer and an STM32.


Would be nice to know how to debug like this in a Linux embedded box, thanks.


I am using FreeRTOS on STM32 with Keil uvision . Can we use tracelyzer for stack analysis in this case as explained in the video ?


Would you give some tutorials on openocd debug?


can we debug the RTOS using IAR IDE through Tracealyzer?If it so how can we do that?


57:40 -- I see here and also in some books from another RTOS Vendor that it is not recommended to use a "Binary Semaphore" for acquiring an exclusive lock over a resource. Is that mandatory? Wouldn't a binary Semaphore give me the same results?
