How Attacks on Abortion Rights Have Strengthened the Pro-Choice Movement | Opinions | NowThis

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‘We are in the fight of our lives when it comes to protecting Roe.’ — NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue says right-wing attacks on reproductive rights have only strengthened the movement for choice.

Ilyse Hogue, President, NARAL Pro-Choice America:

'Here’s the truth: Roe v. Wade? It’s under threat like never before.

Make no mistake, we are in for the fight of our lives when it comes to protecting Roe, but there are bright spots in this otherwise grim picture, and we can’t lose hope. In fact, we need to double down.

Since Trump appointed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
and created an anti-choice majority, 12 states have passed 26 bans on abortion to directly challenge Roe.

Gutting Roe would be devastating to women and families. And many anti-choice politicians aren’t even hiding their true aims—
they want to criminalize abortion and punish women.

Anti-choice lawmakers have spent decades appointing judges
committed to dismantling women’s rights. They’ve stacked courts
and refused to hold hearings on Democratic appointees,
creating a pathway right to Roe.

All they need is one case and five justices on their side.

Well, thanks to Trump, they have their five justices. And there are more than 20 cases in the pipeline that could spell the end of Roe.

They’re not just hoping the Supreme Court will weigh in — they’re counting on it.

But you know what they didn’t count on? Us.

Because we are the true majority. And we won’t let our fundamental freedoms be trampled.

We won’t sit back and give politicians control over our bodies.

We won’t let our lives be dictated by people who can’t possibly know what’s best for ourselves or our families.

Make no mistake, they’re coming for our rights. So we’re coming for their seats. And sending a clear message to the anti-choice fringe:

We aren’t intimidated. We’re mobilized.

We’ll fight their unconstitutional bans, and pass laws where we can to protect and support women and families, not punish us for exercising our rights.

This year, after so many worked so hard to elect pro-choice champions to the statehouse — AND created the first female-majority legislature in the country — Nevada repealed laws criminalizing abortion, bringing the state in line with Nevadans’ overwhelmingly pro-choice values.

NARAL members there flooded their legislators with phone calls and letters, and drove hours and hours to the capital, demanding action to safeguard reproductive freedom.

The hard work paid off. And reminds us what’s possible when we speak out together.

But that’s not all.

In Washington this year, lawmakers passed a bill removing barriers to abortion access, especially for immigrant and transgender communities.

Illinois took a clear stand by passing the Reproductive Health Act, locking into state law the right to access abortion guaranteed by Roe.

With a new pro-choice majority, New York representatives passed a law that ensures abortion is no longer treated as a criminal act.

Wait, there’s even more good news.

At the start of June, representatives in Maine passed new laws to make abortion care more equitable across the state so that women have access no matter their income or location.

Vermont and Rhode Island also protected the right to abortion this year, while Massachusetts and California could all still take action to protect our reproductive freedom before sessions wrap up.

Throughout America, voters, volunteers, activists, and legislators have come together to work towards a common goal, passing laws to protect our freedom and keep politicians out of decisions they have no business making for us.

That’s amazing and important work as Roe stands on the precipice.

Look, the anti-choice fringe is powerful and insidious.

But we won’t be silenced by a vocal minority that sees truth as an enemy and disinformation as an asset.'

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Рекомендации по теме

I think a mother should be able to choose if she is ready to be a mother


my opinion on this is that if you want to be pro life, be pro life for yourself. let other people make their decisions.


How many unwanted babies can America handle...


I’m pro choice and the main reason why is that a woman’s life is more important than a fetus. Also it’s her right to choose!


Shouldn't politicians stop putting religion into this. Roe V Wade happened. Get over it.


How come the same people making those laws, are male?


💯💯💯 AMEN GIRL LET WOMEN CHOOSE WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODIES. don’t be frugal with freedom AMERICA we all deserve it ❗️






How do women get pregnant? No one will answer me.


VERY few prolife individuales want to punish women. We want to help women learn the truth and embrace love and life


Religion has gotten out of control in America.


Do u care what religion I am ?
Do you care what color car I drive ?
Do u care what food I eat ?
Do you care who I love ?
Why ??? IT'S NONE OF YOUR Why should u care what somebody does, especially with their own body ? My problems and issues are all mine when I need some help I will ask !!! Meanwhile deal with you're own problem and issues!!!


You may believe it's taking away rights.... the problem is that abortin is not a right. The problem with RVW is the court interpretation of the 14th amt was wrong. It's not a right so stop saying it is.


Remember that science tells us life begins at conception.


Well at least Kavanaughs reign is under threat due to an investigation begun this week.


I don’t get what the problem is. They’re just brutally murdering the most innocent defenseless human life in existence. What could possibly be wrong with that?


This video did not age well at all. Thank God Roe is being overturned.


history will look back at the pro choice movement in complete horror


Ok another story time. A women in the Dominican Republic got pregnant. And she had leukemia. They refused to give her chemotherapy Bc of her frickin fetus. wth 😐 a lump of cells 👊🏽. They both died. I bet the baby could have survived if she was allowed chemotherapy but it’s disgusting that they are choosing CELLS. It’s so messed up anyways help me with my pro choice essay 🍒😏
