The power of mindset to achieve financial freedom

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What do you think of when you think about financial freedom? To many, it means having enough money to cover anything you could want – and not having to work to get it. But as Tony Robbins explains in this video, it's not just about creating wealth – ultimately, it's about ENJOYING the wealth you deserve. Watch this clip to learn the secrets to Step #3 of Financial Freedom from his Six Steps to Success: It’s all about your psychology.

Before you can learn the mechanics of finance, you need emotional and psychological strength. You need to believe you are larger than anything that can happen to you. You are larger than any financial challenge you can ever face. When you believe that, you will have an unstoppable psychology. You will achieve not only financial freedom, but also wealth.

Attend Business Mastery to unlock this mindset of achievement and resilience. Business Mastery is the world’s premier business training event designed and hosted by the world’s #1 authority on personal growth, business transformation and peak performance – Tony Robbins. This five-day event equips entrepreneurs, business owners and operators with cutting-edge systems, skills and strategies not found anywhere else to create an invincible advantage against competitors.

Business Mastery is designed to help participants thrive in any economic climate as they discover critical factors impacting their businesses currently, and design an action plan for the next phase of growth, whether they seek more profits or an exit strategy. This includes marketing tips, maximizing a business’ digital presence to actually get seen and discovered online and how to anticipate and solve the biggest business problems.

During this comprehensive program, participants gain the same proprietary tools and methodologies Tony Robbins has used to make more than 70 businesses profitable. They’ll also unlock exclusive growth tips from industry giants from companies like Airbnb, OrangeTheory, Shake Shack, SoulCycle, Warby Parker and more.

Now available as an immersive virtual event, Tony Robbins’s Business Mastery is drawing even larger crowds and a new generation of business owners.

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Рекомендации по теме

Tony Robbins is one of the most successful entrepreneur's ever! Truly this has been one of the most inspirational videos I have seen about financial success. Thank you for sharing this and I look forward to applying what you said in my own life and career.


thank you tony for inspiring me. It is a pleasure to listen to you. You are so fun and lively, you and Sage inspire me... I love you and your voice. Thank you for thewisdom x


This is inspirational and insightful thanks Tony for sharing this awesome tips ! I'm financially free and currently growing a solid retirement plan. It takes a positive and consistency to learn new things, unlearn the old habits ms Important to get a mentor/coach to lead you all the way. It's great to start young too!


man like big tony, keep doing your thing bro, big love from birmingham UK!


Great inspiration. Thanks for sharing 👍


Tony is a legend and truly inspirational


Thank you. Realistic Blessings are Grateful vehicles to service to others, success.


I saw you in real life by the way we love you tony keep this sharp mind set plus your all set i know it i blew it just for you


Show of hands who saw a Tony Robbins ad before the video starts?


This is top-notch in every aspect. I read a book with similar content, and it was top-notch. "Mastering Money Mindfulness" by Benjamin Hawk


Tony robbin help me rent a car 🚘 iam a member of a different tribe but still worthy of endorsement probably may b not


this is way people never really become wealthy they always compare them selves to somone thats in India and is poor there are like will i have food and a car and clothes. and they look at that and stop working at there goals. this is whats wrong people always find exscuses not to work for there dreams.
