Digging for my DREAM HOUSE! (6 months in the making!)

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Huge Thanks to those who helped make this happen, Buddy Bob, Brad, My neighbor, Sam from Scrappy Industries, Calamity Kim and of course Lord Muck! check out their channels if you havent already!


I am 80 years old. I have children all have college degree and have done well. I have watched your channel for 3or 4 years now I’m not sure how many but I would have to say that you are as successful as any of my children with what you have accomplished for yourself and I am very proud for you. You have built your garage and now you’re building a home. You have every reason to be proud of yourself And if that it’s not good enough for some viewers they need to get a grip of reality you are an incredibly awesome individual


People are just not used to people like Matt anymore. He doesn't give a crap about building a palace to show off to people. He builds what he wants for his needs. Thats how real people think. He is not building his house to impress other people, he's building it because he wants a house to live in. Nice quiet, secluded home in a beautiful setting. Perfect.


I’ve noticed that Eva hasn’t been on the channel in quite some time, and that you’ve not filmed back at the house. Clearly you already drew a line between your home life and your YouTube life. Your boundaries are your boundaries, and WE should honor and support them.


I see that Kim is wearing the OSHA-approved sandals. ;) She's a hard worker. We're all happy to see you so happy, Matt. Gettin' There!


How strange that someone would feel justified in telling you that your dream shop doesn't qualify as a dream shop because it doesn't match up with his idea of a dream shop. Some people are so weird. As someone who is still working in a shop like your original garage shop, it's been great watching you build out your dream, and even better, watch you use it for so much fun and profit. Keep following your dreams, Matt!


Hey Matt, good for you for not allowing someone else to define what your dream is!


BEST part of this video is that you look happy Matt. You have friends helping you realize YOUR dream, not anyone else’s. I’ve said it before (and I see others share my sentiment) damn proud of you. Keep it up.


I built a home in the hills of Virginia with a full basement and lived in it for many years. When I was selling it and moving south a radon gas test was done and it was exceptionally high. My footers were about the same as yours/slate and soft rock. I had to put in a radon ventilation system before I could sell it. Just some information from an old man that really loves your content and watches every week.❤


I completely understand your feel for privacy!
You show what you feel comfortable with and we’ll enjoy the channel as it comes!
Congratulations on finally getting to your home!


Bad ass seeing people helping you out and definitely makes for a kick ass video with all the different jobs being done at once even though u were a beast doing it solo but having more people definitely is bad ass fantastic job brotherdh


I now have my dream shop after 77 years on the planet. It is in my backyard here in Arizona. It only has solar power with a power converter that can run a small bench grinder. It is 8'x12'. It is my dream garden shed because it isn't my garage that I have to share with anyone. I restore old antique tools and forestry 2-man saws that I display on the walls. Our HOA won't allow me to build anything larger, but that's ok. I can do anything that I'm able to do physically anymore. When Matt says this is his dream shop and home, I know exactly what that means.


Matt, this is an awesome build in a little slice of heaven. I understand the dream part, my dreams aren't even as big as yours, but they're my dreams, not anybody else's.
As far as privacy, you have to protect your family, so share what you will, I'll be here enjoying the content.


I love that he showed the”whole” process most big YouTubers would cut that out when really I feel like this is what we all want to see.


Thanks to all who helped Matt with the new new start of the foundation for his family's dream home❤


The only definition of “dream shop” or “dream home” that matters is the person with the dream. Your shop is awesome and your house will be too! Your efforts and endeavors still keep me motivated to keep pushing forward as hard as I can on my dream shop and home project, so thank you for sharing all that you do!,


Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about showing the inside of the house, privacy wise. I'd definitely keep the location of where you live as specific as "Pennsylvania", and don't even mention east, west, or "near X". I'd also definitely keep a closed gate at the entrance, just to make it clear that it's not open, and climbing over that gate or a fence is simply trespassing.

However, I feel like when somebody has found out where you live, it won't really matter if they know what the inside of your house looks like or not. I'm also guessing that you need building permits, which often include the plans and tend to be available for everybody to see, as long as they know where you live. I also don't really see any advantage (for a bad person) to know the layout of the house. I mean, most houses are pretty self-explanatory.

That being said: obviously you have to do what you and your wife are comfortable with. I'd definitely love to see the interior layout, since I'm just a curious person and do have a thing for American house layouts, but as said, you have to feel comfortable with what you're putting online, our opinion really doesn't matter in this case.


The dirt work and basics seem safe for you and fun for us. I’d stay on the safe side when it comes to your family. Love the channel man


Nothing like a bunch of good friends playing in a really really large sandbox with full size Tonka toys. Awesome job Matt! You deserve your privacy, but a shot from the deck looking down at the creek with your mission accomplished beverage and your feet up as the sun goes down... that will be a great finish to the saga. Are you ready to have the wife within softball's distance of everything again? Although a non microwaved lunch would be a nice touch to busy busy day of shooting. You could have a movie theatre, just put up a drive in movie screen at the back of the laydown yard and park all the vehicles in rows with the Projector on the garage back porch; The DC Drive-In Double Feature every Saturday, matinee Sunday !


Gotta appreciate a good Woman who can install a clam shell on a rollar compacter and drive it in flip
