Introvert vs Extrovert Translator

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I will not eat just anything. I will eat one thing and it's your job to guess what it is. #introvert #extrovert

Thanks for being here! We’re Kim and Penn Holderness of The Holderness Family. We create original music, song parodies, and skits to poke fun of ourselves, the world we live in, and (hopefully) make you laugh.

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Penn is basically the human equivalent of a Golden Retriever while Kim is definitely more of a cat lol


I can literally sit in silence for hours at a time and be perfectly happy


I am a socially awkward extrovert and my wife is an outgoing introvert. At home, we have conversations just like the one in the video, but if you see us out in public, you would assume we were each the opposite role. In public, she's chatting with folks and inviting them to the table to planning trips to the gym and I sit and listen quietly. Then in the car ride home, I'm talking about what a great time we had and all the news we heard and how I'm looking forward to the next outing; and she's So. Tired. Of. People.


Someone once told me if they won the lottery she'd "travel the world and never speak to anyone again." I laughed. Privacy and an introvert! I could totally relate.


I'm an introvert in an entire family, included extended family, of extraverts. Christmas is a nightmare for me sometimes because the exact same group of people want to meet at every house every day for weeks, and I'm always like "yeah, but we just met yesterday." Now I say, "OK, if you're having 10 parties, I will attend 3". They think I'm weird, and even though I love them, I really only want to go to 1 party. After one party with EVERYONE I'm so exhausted I can barely move, and after 3 I need a week in my room alone just to recover. I've always been told I'm weird, lol, and just accepted that I'm weird. It's nice to know I'm not alone (even though i really love being alone, lol).


As an introvert married to an introvert, leaving the house doesn't happen too often. It's WONDERFUL! Although I do sometimes go stir crazy and need to go out, but not interact with anyone.


This was insanely accurate. I love finding any excuse to stay in and wear my old sweatpants. The most terrifying thing to me is talking to another person on the phone, the horror! 😱


The ending when Kim just goes to bed and Penn is very honest about how he's going to interrupt you nonstop after asking you questions is comedy perfection.


I am an extrovert, married to an introvert, with 3 introverted sons, and even one of our two dogs seems to be an introvert. The struggle is real.


As an introvert I found her inner thoughts amazingly accurate!


I'm an introvert and this is so me as the wife. I'm perfectly fine not seeing anyone or speaking ever, especially in winter. Then it's hibernation time


My husband and son are always amazed by how much I talk to strangers. They are introverts who’d never leave the house if it wasn’t for me. Once they are out, they usually have fun…but hit their limit sooner than me. Thank goodness I have a daughter who takes after me or I’d be outnumbered.


Their book is the BEST relationship book EVERRRR!!!! That quote "mature people ask for what they want " has been life changing.!!! So simple and yet profound


I am an extrovert and what Penn said about where you get your energy is 100% on point. It's weird and I don't know why it works, but anytime I am around other people my energy level goes way up and my endorphins start flowing. When I'm by myself, I actually suffer a lot more depression and anxiety and my energy level just bottoms out. Even talking to someone on the phone helps my mindset and energy level. I'm an extrovert and my daughter is an ambivert, and a teenager, so being a single mom sometimes sucks, lol. Penn, I'll talk to you anytime, and I'm a good listener, so I'll let you ramble as long as you want, lol. Love both you and Kim and the laughs you've given me for the last 9+ years!


This is absolutely me and my husband. Please don't make me go out and talk to people. I do it all week at work, that's absolutely the last thing I want to do with my free time, it's exhausting. But if you want to, you go babe, have fun!


Hahaha! Very funny. Our household is an introvert married to an introvert. Depending on the situation, one introvert is more introverted than the other. People don't understand that we can go days without talking to each other and it's ok!


My (extrovert) husband and I (an introvert) have had this exact interaction soooo many times. We both had a good laugh while watching this video. Thanks for the funny and fun content 😄 👌


😂 You guys just summed up my marriage! I laughed into my hot tea and steamed up my glasses.


15 yrs of introvert/ extrovert here. The phone thing is perfect 🤣. Susie won't talk on the phone at all and I'll chat up a telemarketer if I need someone to talk to 🤣


Two introverts here - and together we have become even MORE introverted over the years, I feel. LOL. I always get forced to do the phone calling things (ugh), but he has to talk to any actual people that show up.
