Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) / Arcade Fire - Lyrics

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We run away but we don't know why, what a great lyric.


The Mountain is Mt Shasta - i have a story about that mountain... I am english and in 1995 God told me to go to amaerica i landed in San Francisco drove south here there just thinking about the troubles in my life back in england then Xmas eve i got down to Alliance on The 101 - looked at the map and thought i'll drive over to Redding spend Xmas eve there should make it OK... i was never so wrong...! i drove up and up and up in the pitch black in a fierce snowstorm gripping the steering wheel scared witless I gave up at Junction City... so xmas eve i had a pizza went into a small bar and i walked in and The Inner Voice said NO....
So went to bed in my motel Xmas eve slept sound like a baby.... Xmas day beatiful sunny clear skyed day the difference amazing so drove to Redding and just past thru..! started moving North and there getting closer is This Single Mountain on my right and i just knew it was important... so i scrambled around and got my camera and just snapped away as i drove - maybe 3 years later i realised it was Mt Shasta...
Oct 2000 God sent me to Corwin Springs Montana to tell the people of The Church Universal and Triumphant to Stay Out Of Politics (2000 presidential election) They never listened. Hey Whatever BUT the inner voice/God told me to Go To Mt Shasta .... So I left all these Americans behind 'Beautiful sunny day' and drove West to Missoula staying the night just over the state line in Lola...
Got up Total Grey Sky no gaps nothing and i drove south never seeing a glimpse of the sun in the total Greout in the rain FOR 2 DAYS ... came at Mt Shasta from the East still grey and rain.... and the road was going up and down and up and down thru the forest the dips being so deep/low i could not see ahead.... i went down into the last dip before Weed/Mt Shasta where i would stay and it was grey and no sun as i went down in the dip AND i started climbing up the other side came over the top and there was a big bright yellow sun in a clear blue sky with just a small white cloud either side of the sun like theatre curtains ALL THE GREY CLOUD GONE and a booming voice filled me my whole self and said "WELCOME HOME" thats my Mt Shasta Story
I'm 68 now and still doing the stuff God Wants Me Too..!
If u or a friend or family member or a child or baby need HEALING then email strangetimesradio at yahoo dot com and you get an auto reply with links to Healing Videos... The energy of Mt Shasta will be in The Healing..


I love this song so much, that it haunted me.
I spent some time in jail, and whenever it came on on the radio all I thought of was one of my ex girlfriends. I still think of her up to this day, but I have to move on.
It’s not very healthy just thinking about her as she is moved on to another relationship. But I will always love her forever and I hope that she don’t ever forget that.


This needs more views! You did right by this song.


“they’re callin at me, come and find your kind” WOAH


Sometimes the light conceals more than it reveals, just ask the morning star. Tired of the dead shopping malls, we started Arcade🔥


This song is up there to Billy Jean and Dancing Queen. Fight me on it!


life should be like this, living in sprawl.


Theres literally 1 thumbs down...


This sounds like Blondie’s heart of glass


Someone gave this a “thumbs down” 😄 this is one of my favorite songs ever.


Just closed my Amazon account! Driven by her message! Conscience, cause & effect. If we dont get back to basics we fail. Looks like Mt. Rainier. Tacoma, Stadium HS.


I like the song but it makes me dizzy, don't know why


Box. CD courterqe drankup the last secepo
