13 Persuasion Techniques | Factswow

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13 Persuasion Techniques | Factswow
#persuasione #howtopersuadepeople #influencer#persuasiontechniques
# persuasion#subliminalpersuasion
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) has produced some effective persuasion techniques. According to NLP, a person who says "I see" often is processing information visually.To influence them, you'd say "See how..." or show them things. "I hear you" and "Listen" influence auditory people. Look for visual, aural, and kinesthetic words. Using the right words can persuade your spouse to visit the Bahamas."We'll feel the sun on our backs" is not the same as "We'll see sunny beaches" One of the three will be more influential for most people.Persuasion Strategies Name someone. You've heard salesmen abuse this technique. "Steve, you can see the benefits" may turn you off. Using a person's name IS a powerful persuasion technique, but there's more to it than simple rules.People love hearing their own name, but use it carefully. First, say it how they want. How should you address them? Some people don't like being called "Michael" or "Joe."Second, use it correctly. Unless you can read people, don't say "Hi Betty!" when she walks in. Wait for rapport and ask permission ("Can I call you Betty?").Motivate. Say "consider," they will. No action is required. Use "now" and "today" Subliminal experts say that using "by now" repetitively is subconsciously taken as "buy now."Use THEIR language. They value "efficient" if they use it often. "This RV's space use is efficient." Look for repeated words. The same "language" makes persuasion easier.Adapt. Match their tone. Match their pace. Sit like them. Keep your expressions consistent. Laugh with them.This technique, called "mirroring and matching," can help you build rapport with most people. Don't be too obvious; most won't notice. They'll feel like you "relate" to them. "Leading" will test your bond as it develops. Once you've bonded, you can change your body posture to see if they do.
Then they'll follow. You continue to mirror and match, but you also lead them to the contract's bottom line or to your desired action. This is a persuasive method.
#persuasione #howtopersuadepeople #influencer#persuasiontechniques
# persuasion#subliminalpersuasion
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) has produced some effective persuasion techniques. According to NLP, a person who says "I see" often is processing information visually.To influence them, you'd say "See how..." or show them things. "I hear you" and "Listen" influence auditory people. Look for visual, aural, and kinesthetic words. Using the right words can persuade your spouse to visit the Bahamas."We'll feel the sun on our backs" is not the same as "We'll see sunny beaches" One of the three will be more influential for most people.Persuasion Strategies Name someone. You've heard salesmen abuse this technique. "Steve, you can see the benefits" may turn you off. Using a person's name IS a powerful persuasion technique, but there's more to it than simple rules.People love hearing their own name, but use it carefully. First, say it how they want. How should you address them? Some people don't like being called "Michael" or "Joe."Second, use it correctly. Unless you can read people, don't say "Hi Betty!" when she walks in. Wait for rapport and ask permission ("Can I call you Betty?").Motivate. Say "consider," they will. No action is required. Use "now" and "today" Subliminal experts say that using "by now" repetitively is subconsciously taken as "buy now."Use THEIR language. They value "efficient" if they use it often. "This RV's space use is efficient." Look for repeated words. The same "language" makes persuasion easier.Adapt. Match their tone. Match their pace. Sit like them. Keep your expressions consistent. Laugh with them.This technique, called "mirroring and matching," can help you build rapport with most people. Don't be too obvious; most won't notice. They'll feel like you "relate" to them. "Leading" will test your bond as it develops. Once you've bonded, you can change your body posture to see if they do.
Then they'll follow. You continue to mirror and match, but you also lead them to the contract's bottom line or to your desired action. This is a persuasive method.