How I Saved $12K And Lost 50 Pounds By Changing Relationships

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Through weekly video essays, "Making It Work" showcases how *real* people have upgraded their personal or financial lives in some meaningful way. Making your life work for you doesn't mean getting rich just for the sake of it. It means making the most of what you have to build a life you love, both in your present and in your future. And while managing money is a crucial life skill for everyone, there's no one "right way" to go about it — you have to figure out what works best for *you,* full stop.

Video by Grace Lee

Based on an essay by Frederica W.

Read the original essay here:

Video narration by Lauren Ruff

The Financial Diet site:

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Imagine making a high production video essay about finance that also dunks on you ex. Savage.


This was me but with my mother. My mother is very critical of me and I overstayed my welcome living with her until I was 29. She would say i'm low brow and cheap so I would try to show her that I wasn't. She wanted to eat out every meal, every day. Coming to my job during lunch so I could bye her food and snacks. I got paid on Friday and was broke by Saturday. She would say its because i'm a failure that didn't educate herself enough to afford a meal out. She would never say thank you and would stop by starbucks 3 -4 times a day. She would say things like " I don't live like poor people, I treat myself, i'm not like you" but she was buying everything from my money. She would barge in my room turn the lights on and super annoyed asked me where was my credit card. If my face wasn't smiling she would say "Fix your F'ing face, you get offended over everything" I couldn't do it anymore and left. My sister still lives with her and they are struggling. My sister is the same as her so they get along. They have nothing in savings. I moved out, paid my debt and am now putting together my emergency fund. When I went once to visit at the beginning of the year she told me I was a bum, a failure and she couldn't wait for the day I got fired and was begging on the streets like a bum. Said I thought I was "rich" just because I got a better job. I realized that no amount of money I spent on her would ever be enough because she just didn't like me. It felt like abuse and I had to separate myself. I paid off 8k in debt in no time and I don't feel that anxiety of my life being stuck going nowhere because i'm stuck in and endless cycle of spending everything in a day. I feel good and hopeful. Oh! and by the way, i've lost 22 pounds and counting. I feel pretty again and young. At 30 I feel free.


I think this winnie girl was depressed and didn't know how to express it, so she would just blame it all on her girlfriend instead of looking for professional help. It's not normal to feel miserable about every single aspect of your life


Unhappiness, no matter the reason, can absolutely affect your finances. And sadly, being in a bad relationship means that you carry twice as much unhappiness, yours and your partner’s. I can definitely relate. Thanks for the video!


I think the title would be more honest as how I lost 12k and gained 50 lbs by being in a bad relationship


I dated a Winnie that was a MAN! I was 15 pounds heavier and $30K+ in After the breakup I dropped all that weight and more! I've paid off 90% of that debt and now in a relationship that's like an "Anne" I'm much happier and my Anne understands my values. I relate to this story so much. I just love it.


I think I dated this same girl haha! I lost 20lbs and went from making $60k a year in the hospitality industry, to 6+ figures at a very promising electric car start up. Great video!


My previous relationship where i was in massive debt and unable to save any money, and my new relationship where i am able to keep the weight off, save 50%+ of my income and am purely happy... is with the same person. First time around i tried and tried to "fix" things by spending money and trying to make myself and him happy with gifts and useless crap. We eventually broke up because it wasnt working. We went through some massive emotional, mental and physical changes while apart and i got my finances sorted. 5 months later we reconnected and its like a completely different relationship. Im saving so much because i got rid of all possible debts and even though his financial situation still sucks i dont try to "fix" things. I just show him how to do better by leading by example. Our health in all aspects are better, and its the most amazing thing. Anxieties and stress can lead to issues within yourself and your finances.


I relate to this so hard. My ex also didn’t work on top of this, so I always had to pay for everything (well, didn’t *have* to, but I chose to unfortunately). This includes his drug and alcohol problems. Now I’m with someone who does their fair share and then some, and I’m way less anxious, healthier, and even have money to do fun things I wasn’t able to before.


I really enjoy these animated personal stories! It's so helpful and interesting to learn how people changed their habits.


I love this kind of videos! Its so fun to listen too with this animations and the lovely speaker voices. I have friends that are like Winnie and they tend do drag me down, but it is just too hart to call it quits with them. I am so clingy and very loyal.


The description of Anne and the authors relationship warms my heart :)


It sound like my previous relationship. I thank him for letting me go because now I can saved a lot of money, lost pounds and feel happier with my simple but better life. Find a partner who will support your well-being even with the little money you have.


Welcome to dating a narcissist! There's nothing you can do and it has nothing to do with you at all. I did this for 8 years and hope you see a therapist to heal from this because the emotions will creep up when you least expect it and take you out.


A partner is a factor when it comes to financial health. So be very wise when selecting a partner. Get together for love but also be practical about the situation. Happy Pride guys and gals and everyone in between.


Sounds like my last relationship. Thank goodness I called it quits at 11 months. It was also a LDR and was costing me a lot of money on restaurants, hotels and flights, not to mention the weight I was gaining from eating out all the time. I am so much happier now!! And saved so much money since then that I am now 100% debt free!! Woohoo!! 🎉


I get very skeptical of stories like this where every single relationship problem was 1 person's fault. And then they start immediately dating someone new and EVERYTHING is better. The person in this story sounds like their happiness is hella co-dependent on whoever they are dating... like thing about the movies.. she said she had to spend $50 a month on movies so they didn't have to talk to each other? B, you did not have to do that, you chose to


I love the way these are put together with the vintage slides and great content


Wowww this relatable! My ex used to order out constantly as she was raised by millionaires. Frequently spend money out. Luckily, she usually did the buying but it was painful to watch her spend money on marijuana, alcohol, and take-out. I'd never really integrated those into my life before so while it was funny, pleasurable, thrilling it was unsustainable and now out of the relationship i feel more clear-headed & healthier. Towards the end I started to go to the gym a lot and take care of myself before leaving, its important to not let your partner dictate your lifestyle, but a lesson often learned the hard way.


Wow crazy. This has come at a special time for me.
