Here's Why I Started Using Visualize Sound Effects In Chapter 4 (Fortnite Tips & Tricks)

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In this video I go over why I started using Visualize sound effects in Fortnite Chapter 4. Visualize sound effects or visual audio has been a great setting in Fortnite for a long time but I just never used it because I mostly play solos and while its great in solos the thing that made me turn it on was the Zero Build Squad cups and how chaotic they can get endgame. Let me know what you think of visual audio in Fortnite down in the comments below!

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I've been using it ever since I started the game. My friends told me about it and I thought it was so op at the time. It's great though.


I am literally half deaf and absolutely benefit from visual audio. In fact, Fortnite is a more enjoyable game than many other games for me because of the option! EJ, I think you will up your game tremendously by utilizing this tool. As the old saying goes for having tools to help us get the job done; "Work Smarter not Harder." And you are a very bright young man!


First off. Your squad videos are impressive. Such team work.
Have been using it since I joined a regular squad. The noise from other members talking, background and in-game noise, and when you need to know where those footsteps are above you.
It has saved us numerous times when stuck under builds


As a newbie coming from TacFPS games, visal has been incredibly useful for getting used to the game's different sound cues while I can focus on the mechanics of the game.


I started using it last Chapter to use it in addition to sound/compass. Its easier on the visualizations to quickly know which exact direction along the 360 the sounds are coming from.


I've been using this for a long time now lol, I knew you'd make a video on it eventually. It's sooo good, you can hear/see everything in game, even when you can't actually HEAR it because of loud sounds/etc.


I use it because when i play, usually I like to listen to YouTube videos or podcast


When visualize sound effects dropped quite a few people were sleeping on it. The range it used to have with the reboot van was crazy, also I don't know if this is still a thing but if you bounce off the port a bunker there's a glitch where your own foot prints show


I hate this feature but have realised with everyone using it it's a must. I just wish it could be toned down or have the ability to turn chests or animals off.


I love your videos! I've been using visual audio since I started playing fortnite last year 🙂


I started using it yesterday and it helps a bit. It helps me know if someone is just hiding or if they are trying to heal.


I wear hearing aids and although I can wear headphones, I cannot distinguish from which direction sounds are coming from so visualising sounds effects has been so, so useful for me. Thank you Jake for your brilliant videos.


I just started playing Fortnite and was wondering how other people had those visuals and I didn’t have them so this was helpful :)


My spatial awareness is really poor so I found visual audio to be a huge help to understand what was going on around me. While I already knew crouching didn't appear on the radial, I was surprised to see/hear evidence of being able to hear someone crouch walking. I always thought that it was completely silent unless they were in a vent. The more you know ...

On the other note in the video, Epic tells me I've played 3370 hours of Fortnite (and well, yes, who knows how many hours spent watching other ppl play Fortnite), but that's not my main disgust ... I refuse to add up the value of shop items in my locker for fear I might discover I may have been able to afford to buy a house.


This always made me more curious about your headset and audio settings. It always seemed like you knew where they were better than I do with the visual audio. Like I could hear people sometimes but never the way you do in your videos.


Agreed. It's excellent. My 10 year old daughter taught me about it. The sound in Fortnite is excellent and really a big part of the game. I can understand how you can't hear in squad games, though. I hadn't considered that. I love how it helps inside buildings.


I jam to oldies and turn fortnite up when I see my team is talking. Visual indicators usually get me top 3 in zero build squads 80% of the time but naturally it keeps me from being in an OP team. Thanks for improving my game Jake. Love, Kemijikaichi


I've used it since I came back in late Chapter 2, but ya I do still try and listen to audio in general too.

But shoutout to the only skin I bought in my breif Chapter 1 run (The Ace) I only lasted 2 or 3 weeks, after dying way too many times to being boxed up with a trap when I could barely build a wall at the time 😂😂

SBB and bots was retention when I got brought back late Chapter 2... made it better to want to get better when I wasn't paired with super sweats every game right away like I was my brief Chapter 1 run lol.


I've been using visual audio since chapter 2 and ngl it's really helpful and I wear headphones too so it's 10x better


Another big thing that visualize doesn't show is people bouncing with the hammer. So, yea. Also, its good to see the EJ has discovered how beneficial visualize can be.
