Inside Media: What's Happening to the News Business?
Thanks for the convo Benjamin. I see from these comments accusing me of this or that “ism” that most people aren’t ready to move beyond ideology. :)
This Neema guy is great. AA should host him on his streams.
Parvini's best ever interview. It's one you could recommend to someone who might find it hard to jump aboard the fast moving, esoteric train that is Cigar Stream and Unpopular Opinions. Credit to the interviewer here for allowing Parvini the latitude to unfold his ideas and not trying to play a game of intellectual ping pong. 10/10
Get this Neema lad on AA’s Unpopular Opinions show with OG Roland Rat.
So glad to hear AA bring up the many many offers of peace that Churchhill turned down.
A piece of history that has been memory holed
“Legitimacy is basically a moral unity between the elites and the people.”
Just had to note that somewhere. Great interview, I’ve learned a lot listening to you both.
“What goes on in this town is none of your business”
Shakespeare is transported to 2024. He steps out of the time machine:
"So, who controls the Holy Land?"
Shakespeare steps back into the time machine.
Neema is great. Really glad you've chosen to do this interview. May I suggest an episode on the subject of "grooming gangs" with Horus, a friend of Beau Dade (HistoryBro) with whom you did that excellent episode on the war of 1812? It's very difficult for us Brits to speak out at the moment, we are very reliant on our American cousins using their First Amendment to say what we cannot. Thank you.
This is one the best AA conversations I've heard yet.
Leave it to Ben to get AA to express his ideas as clearly as I've ever heard him. And present a novel conversation with someone I've been listening too for hours every week for years!
shoutout to ninjakitty!
27:19, I think this is why there’s so much boomer nostalgia for the 80s and 90s, it’s not that racial problems were actually resolved, but America and Britain were still pretty overwhelmingly white, and identity politics wasn’t constantly shoved down everyone’s throats, so it could sort of be ignored for the time.
The thing I like about AA is he tells it like it is rather than how a particular side wants it to be. Zero cope from AA.
Great episode! AA is one of the most sensible thinkers around.
It is true, expats here in the Far East will have 'foreigner bars' (I don't mean touristy girly bars) and in our circles, most of our friends will be from either our own country or other closely associated countries. It is natural. Integration happens more the less foreigners are around.
27:14 Did anyone else catch that Adam Curtis reference? 😂
I've waited a long time for this one.
An AA/BB stream! I can't remember if we had this crossover already but we should definitely see more of them
An especially pensive and deep side of Dr. Parvini here, as usual Boyce brings out something interesting and new. Great show!
Thank you Benjamin for this interview. Was looking forward to it for a long time.