Does Hebrews 1:10-12 prove that Yeshua is Yahweh?

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The second possible view is that these texts are about the father and not Yeshua at all.

The biblicalunitarian web site notes that theologians such as Norton (Norton, Reasons, pp. 214 and 215..see website for Norton's explanation) "say that as it is used in the Old Testament, the verse shows that the unchanging God can indeed fulfill His promises, and they see it used in exactly the same way in Hebrews: since God created the heavens and the earth, and since He will not pass away, He is fit to promise an everlasting kingdom to His Son."

I would also like to personally add that in surrounding scriptures like Hebrews 1:5-7 and 2:5-8 there are OT passages about the father reapplied to the father again in Hebrews here. So it wouldn't be far fetched in the least in this context to see Hebrews 1:10-12 the same way. It's very possible. Since the writer switches back and forth from talking about the Son and the Father so much. As noted before, this isn't the view I subscribe to while at the same time being open minded about the possibility.

Here's a youtube with this particular view presented pretty well! (from brother Kel) He doesn't start talking about verse 10 till about 6 and a half minutes in:

The third view could be summed up by saying that what is said of Wisdom in the OT could be reapplied poetically to Yeshua in the New because he became to us "wisdom from God."

I suppose even if the NT authors had passages like Proverbs 8:22-31 in mind when writing Hebrews 1:10-12 then they were simply recognizing how Christ has become that same wisdom that God created the world in.(Prov. 3:19, Jer. 10:12) Christ at last became that *wisdom* in these last times (1 Cor. 1:30,1 Cor. 2:6,7), and so, again, represents (and actually fulfills to perfection and completion) what was there from the beginning. God creating in his wisdom becomes God creating in Christ because Christ became the wisdom of God. Simply stated, again, Yeshua "has become our wisdom sent from God."(1 Cor. 1:30) To quote Karen Armstrong (from A History of God:From Abraham to the present:the 4000 year quest for God, p. 106):

"When Paul and John speak about Jesus as though he had some kind of preexistent life, they were not suggesting he was a second divine "person" in the later trinitarian sense. They were indicating that Jesus transcended temporal and individual modes of existence. Because the "power" and "wisdom" he represented were activities that derived from God, he had in some way expressed "what was there from the beginning." These ideas were comprehensible in a strictly Jewish context, though later Christians with a Greek background would interpret them differently."

Again, not the view I personally think is right, but at the same time I won't readily discount or discard it.

Some of this is explained further here:

This view is also proposed in this essay by Gary Fakhoury:

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beloved Kellie--i owe you for waking me up to nonpreexistence factor--be blessed


But Yeshua claimed his Father is The ONE TRUE GOD. Jn17:3
God REVEALED to Peter that Yeshua is The Son OF God!
Yeshua is WITH Yahweh, his Father, NOW.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. 


Very good Scripture study video. Thanks for making and posting this!


I will say this, I seek The Truth...and part of my family is southern Baptist and my cousin is a southern Baptist minister and the OTHER part of my family (who I love very much) is Roman Catholic!! And I tell the naysayers of the Catholic church "Yes, they are UnGodly if they WORSHIP the Pope, if they WORSHIP statues and if thy WORSHIP the saints above Christ and above all the Father (JHVH/YHWH) but believe it or NOT there are GOOD Catholics that are selfless (Like Bernadette) that LOVE God!!


Nice job (as usual)! This text is such a rich area to explore; one thing is for certain (at least to me): God the Father Created all things (and acts in time and space) through His Word, which in His mind was always and is always His Dear Son - the man Christ Jesus. Love to hear you well in Jesus name!


Is your argument that YHWH was describing HIMSELF in Psalm 102:24-28?


Good exposition.
Ezekiel 37 says says the messiah is "David My servant",
therefore Jesus is David.


Thank you very much for this very helpful teaching! Very well-done.


We should remeber that Saul, or Paul, was a very conservative jew and he knew the Tanak extremely well, he knew that there is only one God.
This same man, after pursuiting the church, started to preach Yeshua even quoting the Tanak to convince everyone that Yeshua was the Messiah.
He tells us that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Romans 14:11)
In this verse Paul is clearly quoting directly the Tanak, the Isaiah the prophet:

Isaiah (45 23)New International Version (NIV)

23 By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked:
Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear.

So when Paul quoted that verse and pointed it directly to Yeshua what was he meaning?

He was a jew and his concept of God was that of God is unique, one true God and creator, as we read in Isaiah.

So In other words Paul believed that Yeshua is the Lord and that is a fact;


If Jesus is God, then the bible gains at least a hundred more inconsistencies than i have already found. Congrats on 99 videos.


Have you tried googling those "inconsistencies" you think you've found?


No one worships the pope. They simply respect him. Like how we show respect to people that we trust in different segments of our lives. I personally don't follow the daily activities of anyone.


It is a rich area to explore! I think it is poetic and *could* have something to do with Yeshua representing and becoming that word and wisdom by which Yah created, and what Yeshua *became* gets applied to him in the NT commonly. But the new creation contexts are too great for me to ignore. I appreciate your support so much, thoroughly enjoy your videos, and hope you're doing well!



I did find the observation that the writer took OT texts that were NOT Messianic - that DID have specific references that were NOT Jesus - yet in them he somehow applied them to Jesus - as well stated - and, certainly, true.

To restate - The one point that was definitely valid is that the writer to the Hebrews is definitely applying texts that were NOT related to the Son - to the Son.... So the issue is how did he do that with this text.

I recommend keeping open to how the writer is relating this text to the Son - I suspect there is something more.


2:22 in Hebrews 1:10 it says: IN THE BEGINNING( BERESHIT), you created the heavens and the earth.

It is speaking of the actual creation that was made in the beginning.


But the Christ is called "The Lamb of God" now how could the Lamb be The Father if the Father (Yahweh) gave the Lamb for mankind?? That would just be extraneous and confusing...YES Philip asked "I want to see the Father" and Jesus said "Philip don't you see for I have been with you??" But he never said "I AM The Father" just like the Prince shares the Glory of the King Yeshua shares the Glory of Yahweh but NEVER does he claim that he is The's JUST what the Bible clearly says!!


Thank you. I make them to plant seeds, which usually take a while to grow in matters like this. I also make them to help people who do know the trinity is wrong (or at least suspect it is!) by simply listening to Yeshua defend their faith against the tangles of a very powerfully deceptive dogma. Thank you for your support!


Hebrews 1:3 Jesus is the express image of God in the flesh.
Express= to show, manifest or reveal
Gen 1:26 "Let us make man of our own image."
Col 1-13:16
"Image of the invisible God" vs15

Col 1:16 "For by him were all things Created."


mmm ?

ok Question Did Jesus claim to be God or Equal with the father. if He did how did He do so.

Did Jesus exist and was he crusified for claiming to be equally with the father. or that he has authority on earth as the Father God has in Heaven. The Father is still greater

and the Hebrew Messiah. when should he then come ? is it not that the book of Psalms, Zachariah, Daniel, Isaiah ext are very specific with their prophecies before the Messiah comes. does this mean we missed it and the entire. TANAK is fals? or is he still to come even thow the prophecies is very specific.

last not as an insult to Hebrew or Juwish people or Ansestry. But how many times have theiy not follow the word of God. they don't keep his covenants. the fall short. how many times has their Temples that they build not been desecrated, and desolated by foreign invaders . after God specifically send prophets to get them back on track but to no avail . 70 babilon capture when Rome invaded. and when they where scared like glass Al over the world. ect ect

no offence to any one thow 😊
