MTG Flying Token - DragonBat - Drop-In wing style

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Magic The Gathering Players. Are you tired of buying the junk LGS mandated Flying Tokens for $10 each (Common in Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, and Washington DC area). Look no further. Not only are these not the simplified flying tokens of your LGS, these are Spicy.
Show off a little and dominate the battlefield in style with these Flying tokens. Most of the larger wingspans can hold up to 3 Flyers at the same time (Unlike the store mandated ones that can hold only 1, maybe 2).
With many LGS mandating flying tokens, and then forcing you to buy their junk, don’t! Show your own style and buy ours - custom made for you. Ours are half the height of the FL flyers, but hold more cards, and can even hold commanders/cards inside of the hard clear plastic card holder.
Many styles to choose from. Paint your own, or hire us to paint yours.
While supplies last, we also have the Chameleon colors like Gem Turquoise.
There are two types of Flying tokens we sell (and can make the simple LGS style for the LGS owners)
Out two Flying Token designs are Drop-In, and Fixed.
Fixed comes all as a single piece, and what most people use now days.
But for those of us who have a plethora of different types of Flyers hitting the Battlefield, we have “Drop-in style. This means you drop in a different set of wings into a flying Base (or mix and match to cause those with OCD some anxiety).
Not all Fixed wings make for good Drop-in style (PM3D, Drago, Elebcor, Dragonfly, Batwing, Lefty, Malphas, Horror, Seraphim, etc: these do not perform well as Drop-in as they are more Fragile)
The different wing types we have for Fixed
• Angel_WS
• Angel_Wing
• Bones
• Byakhee
• Couatl
• Defrosted
• Demonwing
• Drago
• Dragon_-_young
• Dragon_bat
• DragonBorn
• Elebcor
• Dragonfly
• Forest
• Glory
• Green
• Harpy
• Hive
• Horror
• Lefty
• Malphas
• PM3D
• Ridley
• Righty
• Seraphim
• Zombie

The different wing types we have for Drop-In
• Angel_WS
• Angel_Wing
• Bones
• Byakhee
• Couatl
• Defrosted
• DragonBat
• DragonBorn
• Dragon Young
• Elebcor
• Forest
• Green
• Harpy
• Hive
• Ridley
• Righty
• Zombie

Wing types we have retired
• Crow
• M3A1
• Trivit
• Thundebeak Regent
Wing types we are working on
• Brisela
• Bumblebee
• Butterfly
• Butterfly Nightmare
• Demon Queen
• Fairy
• Flame Drake
• Goblin Tooth Fairy
• Hunting Horror
• Jabberwock
• Jersey Devil
• Lilith from Diablo
• Mercy from Overwatch
• Minecraft
• Morrigan
• Mothman
• Night_Gaunt
• Nightmare Sphinx
• Ugin
• Undead Dragon
• Vampire
• Vargouille
• Wyrmling

Most orders ship within 2 days and come fresh out of the printer(Cured). Ready to sand and paint. Unless you send us a message asking us to paint for an additional charge, we will ship your order ASAP.
No Returns.
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❌ DO NOT include this file in any collection of files.
❌ You may NOT upload this file to any print-on-demand service.

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