The Most Essential Minecraft Plugin!! - Essentials (Plugin Spotlight Ep. 2)

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Do run a Minecraft server? Do want to know what the most essential plugin to running it is? Well, it's essentially Essentials - the Minecraft plugin that keeps both server owners and players sane. It adds things such as homes, kits, warps, and much more to Minecraft servers, and all of the major servers out there use it some capacity, so why don't you? With that being said, I hope you enjoyed this video; if you did, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. It really helps me out!

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About this video: In this video, I showcase an awesome Minecraft plugin, that has actually updated to 1.8.1, known as Essentials. This is the plugin that ever server needs, so the name fits it very well. Essentials allows you to add kits, warps, homes, temp-banning, and much, much more to your server. It is a must have no matter what kind of server you are running, and it is super customizable as it is completely compatible with permissions. If you don't want players to be able to do something, just set their permissions so they can't do it. It is that simple.

With that being said, I hope you enjoyed this video. if you did, please consider giving this video a thumbs up, and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. It really helps me out, and if you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already. It really helps me out!
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For a permissions plugin, there is GroupManager, it is sort of part of Essentials I believe, unless it was not updated to 1.8


Could you add a link to part 1 in the description? I don't see it there and I triple checked, but if I am mistaken, sorry, if not, hope this was helpful, have a great day :D!


I have a suggestion. Do PerrmissionsemEx


The essentials page that you linked says there is not essentials for 1.8, can it still be used for 1.8? if not, is there a place to find it like in that list of rainbow plugins?


Hey nic I am just starting my apex server and would like for some more plugin spotlights do help me out! Thanks man


I know I'm late but I downloaded the plugin and I can't use commands because I'm not "registered" so how do I get myself registered?


How do I turn off emergency mode for essentials?


wen i download essentials but my friends and i cat break blocks what the comment to let people break blocks


For some reason I cant use 1.8 items on my spigot server, the only plugin I have is essentials. Any help???


nic help me please i made a forge server and one of the mods is biomes o plenty but when i run the server i cant find any o plenty biome help please?


hey i was wondering what texture pack your using


How can i add to a Rank that he can set 2 homes ?


Hi, im having problems with the Essential Plugin for my Minecraft server, I'm currently using craftbukkit, and the error says "Essentials not installed or failed to load. essentials protect is in emergency mode now."

Can anyone help me out, I really would appreciated it. Thanks


is this for 1.8? because i couldn't fine essentials for 1.8? NicsGames 
