An Introduction to Community Resilience Hubs (6.16.21)
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While resilience measures can take many forms, most Resilience Hubs include onsite forms of generation to keep things running during utility power outages, ideally clean generation through technologies like solar PV and battery storage. This valuable backup power allows Resilience Hubs to provide vital services during outage events such as heating and cooling, food distribution, phone charging, and community mobilizing. This Clean Energy Group webinar introduced the Resilience Hub concept, explain how the development of Hubs can strengthen local resilience in the face of climate impacts, and discussed the process of conceptualizing and implementing a community Resilience Hub, with a focus on energy resilience measures.
• Kristin Baja, Climate Resilience Officer, Urban Sustainability Directors Network
• Seth Mullendore, Vice President, Clean Energy Group
• Abbe Ramanan, Project Manager, Clean Energy Group (moderator)