BL Guardian Season 4 Part 1 *INTO YOUR LIGHT*, Zhu Yilong, Bai Yu, drama, LanWei, bromance, whump

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So let’s go for a fourth season!
Before going on you should watch season 2 and 3, because otherwise this one here won’t make any sense.

Fanmade, again it is a fan fiction, continuing the happenings in the original series GUARDIAN (Zhen Hun). Alternate modern universe.

Songs used:
Birdy - Raincatchers
Paradise Lost - Small Town Boy

These songs and the following ones can be found on this Spotify List:

The copyrights belong to their respective owners. I’m caught in the Guardian fever since one year now. Still addicted 🩷. Thanks to all the creative heads behind this gem of series and the actors, who made Shen Wei and Yunlan so alive that anyone would wish their deep devotion and true love really existed.
We need an official season 2!
Greetings to all the other Zhen Hun fans out there and the ones who are about to join this fandom!
Greetings of course to all the others who come across this and watch it, too!
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I have to laugh. I seen this several times and I love that little dog and then I just caught Yunlan Doesn’t like dogs. Another sign about how much he loves his Wei


ahhh such an awesome suprise !!! Thank you so much !for this season 4 ! And to bring yuelou and yuzhi too !


Oh my gosh, I was looking and to my absolute surprise and delight there you are. So very very nice to see them again. It makes me happy to see them but sad because Shen Wei Is so sick. I hope his brother catches on and I hope his Beautiful Yunlan Please notice very fast and help him please. As usual, your writing and compilations are amazing and beautiful, and such a surprise and delight to us all.


Thank you for Season 4! The other Seasons are brilliant. Hoping for a happy ending ❤


I have finally arrived to watch this, I'm very very excited to do so. And I'm begging you to give them some sweet moments


I was waiting so bad 👏👏 ❤ hope Shen Wei well be ok thanks for the chapter


The fact that Yunlan don’t like dogs and prefer cats 😂😂😂❤❤❤❤


Poor Shen Wei 😢 I love that this time they already begin married!❤


Wei looked that way when they said brighter future he knows he might not have one poor bai yu and him
Makes me cry


I love how you start the session 4 off. But I have a bad feeling cause they look too 'happy'...


Oh god Shen Wei is getting worse. No Bai Yu cant lose him please let them stay happy and together and no more hardships.


Do me a favour whenever you make last season or episode make it simple and smoothing to give a satisfied ending because they actually deserve a small beautiful ending i guess


Oh my, what a surprise!
But i hope there's no evil people anymore 😥😥
Please let them be happy~


Okay I'm going to be honest some of you people think I'm crazy if you read this but that's okay. I tried again to see guardian and I wasn't able to. So yesterday Friday I rewatched season And then today I was planning on to start season 3 and I have a bunch of stuff I had to do and so I turned on my iPad and there in front of me was season 4 I almost dropped everything including the iPad 😅Thank you once again for helping our hearts see Shen Wei...and his Yunlan I think according to the story they're married now. I hope so for the characters who are still handsome as ever.


Hurrah part 4
After all they have been through so afraid bai yu will lose shen wei to his lung disease
How can life be so unfair to them
Wei is so suffering


I remember Dr said lung transplant maybe I think he said too late for that
Please give them some miracle hope


I think true love a devotion as they have does exist
But very rare doesn't happen to people men or women often
