The BEST Vocal Background Noise Removers in 2024

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In this video a shootout with what are the best noise removal plugins in 2024

Waves Clarity Videos:

The other denoiser plugins video:

Plugin Deals – updated 10 July 2024
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Audiothing Frostbite 2 or Newfangled Audio EQuivocate

Supertone Clear Post Production Sale (Exclusive) $69,-:

Eventide H9 plugins from $25,- :

Baby Audio Manufacturer Focus Sale:

Plugin Boutique DC Snares Intro Sale (Exclusive) $29:

KIIVE plugins up to 66% off:

00:00 The plugins and their features
01:45 Denoising a constant noise
06:04 Denoising an extreme interfering sound
07:05 Fixing an Ambient voice with slight echo
08:06 Removing a lot of reverb
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Clarity was a savior for a nasty AC vent in my last studio room. Haven’t tested the Reverb much, because there does seem to be some warbling at times.
Gonna have to try it when singing and playing into my Rodes camera mounted mic.


waves clarity also good at removing the beat from a full mix not just noise (UVR5 + CLARITY) good results


Thanks Marlon for the informative comparison! I'm going with Waves Clarity.


I have a side gig once every month or 2, editing a podcast that is recorded in a moving vehicle - tons of road and engine noise. I grabbed Supertone Clear since it was $29 at the time, for those who were part of the Beta. I liked that it did the job of the 2 Waves plugins, all in one. Overall, I think I mayyyybe got a slightly better result with Clarity when I compared, but ST-Clear has certainly done an exemplary job for me.


UVR 5. Case closed. And it's free 💛💙


I've tried both of the Waves Clarity VX, it is good for removing vocal background noise, but it's not good for removing backgound noise for musical instruments like acoustic guitars...Do you have any recommendations for noise gates for guitars...?


would you say dereverberation process itself often cannot yield satisfying results because the original voice is being comb-filtered to such a degraded state that simply getting rid of the reverb leaves a dry but degraded voice? in that case an AI plugin which would attempt to reconstruct the original tone without the comb-filter artifacts would produce more usable results. I'm surprised DxRevive was not that effective in the last example.


what about CPU? I how CPU intensive are these plugins when used in a music recording project, I own Clarity but I can only use about 4 instances in conjunction with other plugins, before the audio in the projects starts cracking.


I learned to COMBINE at least two NR plugins to get OPTIMAL results:
e.g. Just 15 minutes ago, I've just messed around with Waves X-Noise (yes it's a Waves; yes it's a dinosaur - since 2002 but removes digital mic resonance for me)
+ Accentize Vocal Gate 2 (it even has a built-in DeBreathilizer algo!!!!) + Nuro Audio's XVox Pro....OMFG....
with a 50db fan on in the background. No hay ruido Studio professional vocals with the
It's a great time to be alive....and to probably not enjoy it for long due to the idiot elites that might embark on WWIII. TMI I know I know sorry about that!


God damn it That's it!!! I'm moving into the cheapest most ghetto hood and I'm gonna open up a DAW home studio in my bedroom with roaches and asbestos. No hot space or reason can keep me from saving money and making professional recordings The Accentize AI Suite featuring dxRevivePro and Voice Gate 2 is PERFECTION LIKE UVR 5!!!!