League of Legends - Pros with the MOST WORLDS Games played ALL Time!!
Not so quick (maths)
Melee vs caster: more gold 22 vs 14,
-half damage (12 vs 24 caster),
-double attack speed (1.23x vs 0.62)
-Melee blocks your q's
Melee minions: 60.45 XP ( 75.4 shared xp, divided among champs, so 37, 7 xp)
Caster minions: 29.76 XP / 37, 12 xp or 18, 56 if shared
280 xp to level up (37, 7*3+18, 56*3+ 37, 7*3 (2nd wave)= 281, 88xp)
So if you die, you better have catch as much gold and experience as you can
ALSO extra:
EZ has 0, 625 attack speed base (+10 bonus by rune = 0, 688 AS
in 2, 67 secs you deal 3AA(~190dmg)+1Q+(full conqueror) and only receive 42 dmg (1aa caster instead of 3aa with 72 dmg from melee).
in 4 seconds fight you only receive 2 minion AA 96 dmg BUT but you deal EXTRA 1Q + 1 AA with full conqueror(+24dmg per aa (so 60+24= ~84 per AA + Q ~124) at 4 SECONDS.
and if you keep fighting up to 8 secs: you dealt extra +3*AA full stacked (252dmg) + 1Q and you receive 192 dmg (from those caster minions instead of 216 from melee) (24*3*2~144 dmg vs 6, 14 secs : 4 melee attacks ~ 96 dmg )
So in total (8secs): you can deal around 7AA (~526) + 3Q(~344) +(item or allies pasives or runes) so ~870 for receiving 192 dmg from the 2 caster minions (instead of 216 from melee)
I climbed 4 ranks thanks for your videos in 2023 and even after 6 months without playing im still able to get diamond elo with little effort applying the concepts that i have learned here, thanks so much.
Y’all remember back then when 1K LP was considering to be an inhumane achievement?😂
Amazing video, one of the best so far lately.
Great video! Looking at same situation in 3 different scenarios makes learning these concepts much easier.
Keep it up! ❤
Keep bringing viper videos, other Champions strategy's like kaisa and jhin, Viper is the best adcarry in the world with no doubt, he is so smart in the game.
Very usefull guide for support players aswell
so this is the man that solo sent G2 back home with his ezreal
only grass he touches are the brushes in game
I went from iron to master 100 lp in 11 days
Ty sir
Everytime I watch high elo ADC gameplay I always see them pick CC supports whereas most supports I get always pick some random AP Caster support for no reason lol
But this is not any hidden strategy, he is just good. That's wave management and mechanics of the champs he's playing.
What would the learning curve of a future Challenger be like? In their first and second seasons, what rank could they reach?
I was waiting for the vip. When he hit rank 1 with 2200lp, rank 2 was behind by like 200 lp if I remember correctly. HUGE gap.
Amazing video, any idea what the music is for 3:40 and after?
So... what if my supp is afk at fountain? Does this video still apply?
Hi ! IT could be interesting that u do a vod on midlane after laning phase
these are fight timings because the ezreal passive attack speed makes you win the fight?
Quality video content. We want to see more bot lane laning videos.
What is the record for highest single ranking on the Korean server?