CyberPatriot XI (2018-2019)
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CyberPatriot -- The Air Force Association's National Youth Cyber Education Program, featuring the nation's largest cyber defense competition.
CyberPatriot XI (2018-2019)
CyberPatriot XII (2019-2020 Promotional Video)
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 26032311 2bd51215 b6b1 47a3 8fdc 632a9e12cc27
2018 03 21 19 01 SHS CP GoToMeeting #19
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 25022831 5dd32a1e ab84 455c 86db 84d01064c88c
Keynote Speaker David Hickton @ CyberPatriot XI National Finals
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 26040943 56ba8a63 e38a 4497 b8d2 a524390560ef
CyberPatriot Challenge - For Students
Casey Middle School CyberPatriot 2019-2020
CyberPatriot National Finals (Episode 09)
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 26015433 7b903824 b5db 49fd a2c0 44af5866fa18
GEN Paul J. Nakasone, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command @ CyberPatriot XI National Finals
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 26015831 2544fb4f 8322 4949 b1b1 437d898f581a
Securing windows 10 (CyberPatriot)
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 24044040 64ea44ba b3fa 4542 823e 6fcc0364a841
Falcon High School Students Compete in CyberPatriot
Cyberpatriot Training 1 - Setting Up
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 24163404 c5b711a9 ca36 4012 858e a49331843f4b
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 25021253 d4c0171d 225b 4e64 8bb7 f5ddb9487afc
U.S. Air Force Hosts CyberPatriot Competition To Highlight Cyber Defense
Cyber Patriot Practice 10-19
CyberPatriot X (2017)
RedDeadRedemption2 2018 11 27020846 4201cf8e bb0d 4af4 8a02 39a3f5ce5eed