Marriage by renewable contract.

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In this #shorts video, I tackle a viewer comment in the comments section of my recent episode, "The truth about commitment". Her observation is that perhaps the institution of marriage could be "fixed" by providing shorter-term, renewable contracts. Watch the episode to hear my response.

Orion is a licensed psychologist in the state of California.
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I read a book along time ago( I wish I could remember the name), but it was about a certain African tribe that practiced this, on a yearly basis. Every spring, the husband and wife would sit down and determine if their relationship was working and if they wanted to continue it for the next year. So it is definitely possible.


Marriage is already contractual. If you were to treat marriage like a friendship you wouldn’t have a contract.


having done it, I think doing away with the whole concept is a good idea. I had a beautiful wedding. everyone was impressed. the girl was happy and said it was an important step in her life with me. I was happy too. years on she says "I want a divorce." this is highly suspicious when it's coincidental with her career success that was built on our so-called partnership. now it's no girl yet I'm looking at paying dearly more to the now successful girl who is no longer there 😕
there was no up-side for me. getting married meant I shared to raise the girl up. once there, she bounced. then now in divorce I'm faced to pay even more for the sharing. of course the girls shed crocodile tears to get you to marry them. it's a swindle all in their favor. they know it. don't fall for it my friends 😎


What you are speaking of sounds exactly like what women have now but men do not. Women have the opportunity to end a marriage any time they want knowing that the courts will provide them with the financial parachute at the husbands expense. I say level the playing field with this concept and give men the same opportunity. Equal rights!


Sounds good but people are always changing their minds, clothes, feelings, and partners sad but true Why Im still single courtship and commitment is hard to find


We make "contracts" in our heads when it comes to friendships / employment all the time. Everyone needs to draw the line somewhere. I suppose this "physical contact" just makes things even more real and holds the personal accountable as this creates wiggle room to do what they want since expectations were not made clear?


Renewing makes perfect sense, even with the conflation concerns. I vote for renewable marriage contracts.☮


The only bad part about it is the court part. If we had literal contracts it would have been easier to deal with stuff. Coz we have too many unspoken expectations anyway, so you may walk on a thin ice with someone and not knowing it!


There is no Law for friendships.

But there are Laws for marriage.
Even if you don't sign any marriage or pre-nup contract, all those provisions, clauses, paragraphs, penalties etc. of the marriage Law apply to your marriage. So it's already something like a contract.


No fault divorce makes it so that we already have a renewable contract situation. The renewable term is daily. On any given day either party can end the contract. Changing the law so that the marriage contract has a defined length of time would create a lock-in period and help to manage expectations. It would serve to reduce impulsive divorces over the current system.


"Sambo avtal" is the way to go. In English, I would call it half a marriage agreement. There are no vows, only agreement on how to divide the networth of the household if you break up. That being said. It should only be for those who don't believe in marriage and the marriage vows.


I think it would be equally destructive to demand by legal contract that your friend is obligated to remain your friend for life.

Life term marriage seems dehumanizing and archaic and creates new problems that don't have to exist.


Why bother getting married at all. Just have a contract for children's cost and responsibilities.


Brilliant … yet why get married @ all?


Why get married at all. I just spent most of this Saturday in bed. I was tired, I'm sure most men would not put up with their wife sleeping all Saturday. 😆 🤣 😂


that's brilliant! Prove that you're worth the renewal. I used to joke (but totally serious) that I want to get a prenup, where my legal partner would forfeit 100%, yes 100% of his assets, if found guilty of infidelity. Friend said "good luck finding the sucker that would sign that" xD


Problem with marriage isn't the length, but legal custody and alimony!


If a woman isn't judge for refusing child custody, maybe.😂


the marriage contract should be etched in hearts not on paper. remove business & legality from marriage.


Hi there. I’d love a conversation with you. I’m starting a podcast and would really like your input. Just something remote over zoom.
