Common dreams you should NEVER ignore when you wake up

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We all have dreams, we all have nightmares, but do they mean anything? There are many stories in the Bible of dreams carrying vital messages (Joseph, Pharaoh, Jacob, Nebuchadnezzar, and others), and experts of human psychology from Sigmund Freud to Carl Jung explored this very question. In this video, Rabbi Jacobson reveals what Judaism and Kabbalah says about dreams, and what signs you must not ignore!

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Thinkers and commentators like Bill Maher, Jordan Peterson, Rabbi Manis Friedman, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Dennis Prager, Noam Chomsky, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, and others have spoken on these issues. Here, Rabbi Jacobson shares the true perspective.
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There was a point in my life when things were going horribly. I found myself wanting to sleep a lot to escape my troubles. My brain 🧠 co-operated by giving me the most amazing dreams.


I woke up last night after another dream about my deceased parents. In each dream they are so alive so real that I’m convinced we’re in another dimension. Last night I hugged my mum and asked why she so suddenly left me. But I woke up before she answered. Yet I had a sensation I was being hugged.


I dreamt of my dog the other night. She passed away in 2015, she had breast cancer. In my dream she came to my hand for pats and kisses, my heart felt so happy. I felt her soft fluffy hair and the wetness of her doggy kisses. Love you Peppa xx


When I was a child, I had a dream I saw God the Father. His voice was like thunder! He was telling me about future events in my life. I'm 55 years old now, but memory of the dream stuck with me through the years. They say dreams aren't real, but they're more real than one would think.


Had a dream last night of being in my Dads presence he passed over a year ago it was really nice I thank Jesus for it


I’m a Catholic man, who’s interested in diving deep into understanding a rich meaning of faith. Your insight and rabbinical wisdom is valuable and appreciated. Thank you.


I was born in Muslim family, I like your wisdom, thank you for sharing with us, love from Bangladesh


Ecclesiastes 34:7
“For dreams have deceived many, and they have failed that put their trust in them.”


Im a born again Christian. Since I've encountered the holy spirit, I've been experiencing some incredible dreams. I have no idea why Rabbi Simon's videos have been recommended to me but i absolutely love his wisdom. Such beautiful commentary. Thank you.


Twice in my life I had constant repetitive dreams, unfortunately I did not understand until later what they were trying to tell me. Here is a part of that poem I wrote years later when it was so clear what my dreams were telling me. Also how long forgotten feelings come back in your dreams.

A repetitive dream is trying to say, something's not right you're going the wrong way.
You do have a choice, take heed to this voice.
Puzzles and riddles come in the night.
With the gift of insight, by dawn's early light.
Feelings long forgotten, hidden memories that can't lie.
Always there to remind us, they are not meant to die.
Just softly sleeping like they do.
Until the time is nigh, in dreams to haunt or comfort you.


What a 'coincidence' this video came up in my stream. I woke up this morning after a terrible dream that involved yelling at someone who did something wrong. My 'higher self', instructed me that, anger may win a short battle, but you will certainly lose in the long term. What better way to win someone over than an act of kindness, when they themselves know they have done a wrong? This was a great confirmation. Thank you Rabbi!


Dear Sir. I'll be 63 in August 2023. I've read many books on spiritual and religious subjects, philosophy and psychology. I'm an abstract painter and a life student in various fields. But you are the first person that has spoken the truth in such a logical and profound but simple manner. I've learned more from you than I've learned in years. I've learned that I'm an advanced person but was not aware of it, that I am a spark of God as all things are. My eyes are open and I just wanted to say...I LOVE 💘 💗 ♥ YOU very much. Thank you for being my teacher.


I love reading about all religion although I am Muslim. I have strong belief that dreams are spiritual messages, sometimes just recollection of our daytime activities and memories, and nightmares are our fears and anxiety. What fascinates me are dreams that are repetitive and usually have a message, I use the famous Islamic ancient scholars Ibn sireens dream interpretation, I search for the interpretation and it is not always clear cut interpretation because there are multiple meaning but after few months and years when the dream interpretation comes true, I understand what the message was. For instance I get repetitive dreams about 6 months or a year before on of my relatives die, now I know what this dream implies when ever I get this dream I start panicking which relative is going to pass. What is even more weird is the exact same thing happens to someone else in my dream meaning that a person related to that person is going to die. Now I f do not need to read the book on ibn sireen, I just type in My slamic dream interpretation on Google and the page comes up and whatever dream I can remember in the morning I type in the specific word or the most important thing in the dream and everything filtered comes up.according to Islamic traditions pure dreams are like revelation since we don’t have anymore prophets, dreams are divine messages from God.


As someone who works with dreams and studies them from both the psychology and mystical Torah perspectives this was a lovely description of how dreams can support us (and sometimes grip us) and why this occurs. Thank you for your wisdom, as always.


I love it when you are going through a heartache or deep emotions, or hard times, as we now are in, the soul and dreams kick in to help you find peace.


Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for your teachings. I am a christian but regretably our Priests like to impose their knowledge without explaining the meaning of so many stories from the bible. You are the only ones(Rabbies) that are open to all other religions. Now I consider myself Christian: Seeking knowledge and also willing to get answer to many doubts and questions about faith, religion and life in general. Shalom from Portugal.


2 types of dreams in my experience: 1st personal psych/mind experience that is usually based in worries/fears! 2nd prophetic meaningful dreams, very vivid, advice to follow! I interpret for people! Then, going on I have out of body experiences, can even "jump" into another body in a different country(exhausting). Always, helping others! Never obsess, just see it as a gifting! Always, listen, never been wrong so far! Not every week or month! Has given me wisdom & saved my life several times!


I had the same dream for many years. Over and over. One day it happened. What I kept dreaming came true. And I knew right away that this was my dream. I even had the same sad feeling as I did while I was dreaming 😢


I love the explanation you gave of the fine line between madness and genius. I'm definitely not a genius, but a creative person, also diagnosed with bipolar disorder and it made total sense to me. There's a point where untamed consciousness can become too much and the mind can no longer channel it into a form that is coherent and recognizable but if you're able to channel it without getting lost in it it makes for great art/poetry/anything creative.


The combination of the Rabbi's vast knowledge, deep wisdom, and gift for communication is truly a gift to us all!
