Plot Twist: There’s No Dark Matter. Our Theory of Gravity is Broken

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Plot Twist: There’s No Dark Matter. Our Theory of Gravity is Broken
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Maybe the reason that stars in the outer galaxies appear moving just as fast as the inner stars - which shouldn't happen in Newtonian gravity - is that it might be an optical illusion from where we sit. There might be something to this.


The known, fundamental phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) perfectly explains galaxy rotation curves/dark matter. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". Time dilation is just one aspect of dilation, it's not just time that gets dilated. A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light.
Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. This includes the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers. It can be inferred mathematically that the mass at the center of our own galaxy must be dilated. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate that we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. More precisely, everywhere you point is equally valid. In other words that mass is all around us.
Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has recently been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter, in other words they have normal rotation rates.


So how long have you guys had AI as your narrator?


*The Answer is ElectroMatgnetism !*
*The Universe is Electric !*


They've been flipflopping on dark matter for a while.


To call it lcmd was a give away. Tot not know that mond has been falsified with 16 sigma certainty...


I believe stars slowly accelerate at about in/s (0.0000122 cm/s). It's about twice the width of a proton every second. Too small to be measured directly. At least in our short lifespan. This slow acceleration only happens to stars and galaxies because they radiate a constant solar wind of hot, charged particles and EM fields. This causes the motion produced by gravity to increase as time passes. The older the star or galaxy is, the more momentum they will have built up at a rate of 10, 000 to 1 between it's age and accumulated motion.

Take our solar system as example. It has an orbital velocity of around 536, 000 mi/h about the galactic center. According to our distance from the center of the galaxy our sun should be orbiting no faster than 86, 000 mi/h. So it's traveling about 450, 000 mi/h too fast. So astronomers blame it on dark matter. Plus it's moving away from the black hole at around 900, 000 mi/h. Thus again it's blamed on dark matter. The velocity and trajectory of our solar system while orbiting the center of our galaxy cannot be explained by general relativity or the laws of motion.

But if we include this slow acceleration, which comes out to be a 1 mi/h increase in velocity every 10, 000 years it explains the motion and trajectory without having to rely on dark matter. The solar system is 4, 500, 000, 000 years old. If it's velocity increases 1 mi/h every 10, 000 years then all we have to do to determine this acceleration is to divide it's age by 10, 000. Simple enough. 4, 500, 000, 000 / 10, 000 = 450, 000 mi/h. Then when we add the motion of 86, 000 mi/h produced by gravity we get 86, 000 + 450, 000 = 536, 000 mi/h. There is no mass missing in the equation. Dark matter doesn't need to be used to explain the motion if a slow constant 1 mi/h increase in velocity every 10, 000 years can explain it.

Does it explain the mysterious motion of our Milky Way heading towards the great attractor? The closest galaxy to ours is the Andromeda galaxy and it's 2.5 million light years away. It's way to far away to be causing our galaxy to be traveling at 1, 370, 000 mi/h. But if we take this slow acceleration that happens to stars and galaxies producing a solar wind then we just take the age of the galaxy and divide it by 10, 000 to get the motion that's accumulated over it's lifetime. 13, 700, 000, 000 / 10, 000 = 1, 370, 000 mi/h.

So this slow acceleration not only explains the mysterious motion occurring to the solar system but also explains the mysterious motion of our galaxy.

I thought it was just a coincidence, so I began studying the age to velocity ratios between several satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way. Every dwarf galaxy I studied had the same exact 10, 000 to 1 ratios between their age and velocity. So it's no coincidence. This AP theory or Accelerate Propulsion theory explains the motion of our solar system, several satellite galaxies and our Milky Way.

One youtuber about a year ago challenged anyone to come up with a better theory than dark matter. So, I posted a long comment explaining the AP theory and they deleted my comment instead of refuting it. Because they couldn't refute it. My AP theory explained not only why stars and galaxies move too fast but came up with an equation that could be tested to verify.

I save every comment I write and turn them into a book of short quips. I call it quipsplaining. I also include the URL where I left my comments, so my readers can verify them.


Doesn't make more sense that the universe is a 4D sphere 'gloom', which concludes that light never travels in a straight line but is curved. Just as prof. E Noether predicted. Then, dark energy is explained. Using general relatively. Also, Fritz Zwicky's theory seems to make more sense than Hubble 's.
Imagine a 2D circle within the middle a point representing the CMBR and r (radius) to the outer circle as R (spacetime), then the edge is the present and everything out there is the future. Then "dark matter" is no longer dark.
JWST and other physicists make it a strong possibility.


Gravity isn't broken it's incomplete. Gravity is multifunctional. It encodes the information of matters existence into space time causing the expansion so the past present and future can all exist at the same time. I'm an alien called Enoch nice talking to you 😀


...omg...the narration is horrible.
I can't stand simple words being mispronounced.

I don't understand how someone can put all this work into the visual presentation and yet be too goddamn lazy to use a REAL person to narrate.
As soon as i hear Robovoice i think AI created content. It's automatically sus.

Automatic 👎


The observations of Sagittarius A* demonstrated the expected values of Gravitational Force, was out by a factor of 300. Clearing Fritz Zwicky’s observations and deletes Darkness is understanding. 2014 two Neutron Stars colliding showed Gravity is emergent and not fundamental as a force. LIGO and Gravity waves have been measured. TVS is based on The Brans-Dickie Theory and improves General Relativity by implementing a Tensor and TVS refines the theory.


Your explanation for how life started is total bull sh-t. The only truth you uttered was that science was not in agreement. Not only do you get a thumbs down, I'm unsubscribing. If you don't have an answer, be an adult and say you don't know.


The observations of Sagittarius A* demonstrated the expected values of Gravitational Force, was out by a factor of 300. Clearing Fritz Zwicky’s observations and deletes Darkness is understanding. 2014 two Neutron Stars colliding showed Gravity is emergent and not fundamental as a force. LIGO and Gravity waves have been measured. TVS is based on The Brans-Dickie Theory and improves General Relativity by implementing a Tensor and TVS refines the theory.
