Brahms Zwei Gesange Op. 91 I. Gestillte Sehnsucht

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Meridan Prall, Mezzo Soprano; Yizhak Schotten, Viola; Katherine Collier, Piano

Bathed in golden evening light,
How solemnly the forests stand!
The evening winds mingle softly
With the soft voices of the birds.
What do the winds, the birds whisper?
They whisper the world to sleep.
But you, my desires, ever stirring
In my heart without respite!
You, my longing, that agitates my breast –
When will you rest, when will you sleep?
The winds and the birds whisper,
But when will you, yearning desires, slumber?
Ah! when my spirit no longer hastens
On wings of dreams into golden distances,
When my eyes no longer dwell yearningly
On eternally remote stars;
Then shall the winds, the birds whisper
My life – and my longing – to sleep.

Videography by Jenna Kroepel
March 3, 2019
Рекомендации по теме

Professor Schotten, may I ask how big your viola is? Thanks
