Quick Restaurant Style Juicy Beef Burgers (So Delicious!)

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- medium ground beef
- salt
- pepper
-burger buns


1. Measure ground beef to your desired patty size (4oz-6oz recommended)

2. Form ground beef into patty

3. Place patties onto medium flame pan

4. Sprinkle salt, pepper and any other desired seasoning onto each patty

5. Let patties cook for approximately 5 minutes on medium flame

6. Flip patties

7. Repeat step 4 and sprinkle salt, pepper and any other seasoning onto each patty

8. Cover and let patties cook for approximately 5 minutes on medium flame

9. After 5 minutes uncover and flip patties again

10. If patties have browned add cheese if desired and cover for another minute to let cheese melt

11. Once cheese is melted, remove patties and assemble burger

12. Toast bun, spread mayo, add patty and desired toppings such as lettuce, ketchup and pickle and close burger and press down to make everything compact!

13. Enjoy 😊
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