Learn Turborepo By Example | Code Sharing, Distributed Cache, & More!

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:04 Workspace Overview
00:29:53 NestJS Application
01:13:08 GitHub Workflows
01:32:31 Dockerfiles
Learn Turborepo By Example | Code Sharing, Distributed Cache, & More!
Turborepo in 2 Minutes
Getting started with Turborepo
Monorepos - How the Pros Scale Huge Software Projects // Turborepo vs Nx
Learn Turborepo from a real open source project
Turborepo Demo and Walkthrough (High-Performance Monorepos)
Step-by-Step Monorepo Tutorial: Turbo Repo, Vite, Next, Tailwind, and Storybook
I used a Monorepo for 12 months - here’s my opinion
How to work with Monorepos in a dev container
My 'as few deps as possible' monorepo setup
Turborepo Tutorial | Part 1 - Typescript, Eslint, Tailwind, Husky shared config setup in a Monorepo
React + Express | Turborepo
Monorepos: What You Need To Know | Rohan Prasad
Big projects are ditching TypeScript… why?
Precommit Hooks Are Bad
Using Prisma with Turborepo
End-to-end tests in 200ms with Turborepo
Turborepo fun with Docker & React (first attempt successful!)
Building Infinitely Scalable Applications with Next.js and Turborepo (Alec Chernicki)
What is a Monorepo? ⚡
Why I’m using a monorepo with Yarn workspaces
Why I Don't Use NextJS For My Side Project Anymore
Faster builds with Turborepo and Stately
DevOps CI/CD Explained in 100 Seconds