Come Follow Me | Jacob 7 | Lesson 15, Pt 1 - Sherem's Antichrist Parallels With Apostate Creeds

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We're releasing Part 1 for Lesson 15 a few days early since Part 2 on Constantine and the creeds will be released on Wednesday (April 3), when our weekly episode is usually published! Enjoy!

In Nephite history there were many antichrists who came among the people and taught their false philosophies. All of these men were cunning, possessing great power of language and charisma. The teachings of Sherem—and later a similar ideology among the Zoramites—can be compared to the false creeds of apostate Christianity that negatively influenced the early colonists of America as well as the 19th-century Christians at the time of Joseph Smith. These beliefs continue to cause confusion and incite contention today. Learn about the roots of sign-seeking, gifts of the spirit, the true nature of the Godhead, the Plan of Salvation, and the confusion introduced by the Athanasian and Nicene Creeds!

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Easily the best LDS channel out there. I love the meat of the gospel and you speak my language! You also dont mince words, which seems to really ruffle a lot of feathers, lol. Hit pigeons flutter....


As a recent convert, I. Must say your content is very valuable! Thank you!


Thanks for this! Never seizes to amazing me that people aren't reading the Book of Mormon.


Thank you so much for addressing the dangers of progressivism within our church!


You are truly a follower of Christ. God bless your effort and your beautiful life


I usually listen twice, sometimes more 😅 Your podcasts have become a permanent part of my personal library. (Say that three times fast) 😂
You have a gift Hannah! I feel the spirit when you speak. The words you say are powerful! Which is why I share share share because you are so much better at it than I am. Yet no one needs to hear it more than me. ❤❤❤


With You Tube now anyone's teachings or beliefs can reach many more people. I'm grateful to hear you and the truthful and clear things you talk about. Unfortunately I have also had many untruthful people pop up on my feed so I have had to discern between them and I'm grateful for the Holy Spirit which helps me to be not deceived. I appreciate your work on exposing some of the false prophets of our day. We need more voices like yours out there!


Great video. In D&C 63:7-12, the Lord speaks all about sign seeking. Among the many powerful things He said, which you brought up, He explained that signs come by His will, not man's.


flood the earth challenge My cousin who I never have met in person and in whom I met onbrhw internet through doing family history work has now had her first discussion with the sister missionary's. They gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon...if you count that as if I gave it to her by setting this up that will be my 11th copy of the book of mormon placed ❤ ! She has been reading it with the sisters and plans to keep reading it on her own. I apologize for writing so much...I am just so darn excited over this. We talk nearly every day on messenger and she lives in Houston Texas and I live with my family in the Philippines!!!❤ brother Powers


Thank you !! Always learn new TRUTHS !!!!


I believe too many members are comfortable and need not seek the closeness, comfort and feeling of walking with Christ or being taught, warned or lifted by the Holy Ghost! It is taught to press forward with a Perfect Brightness of hope …. So I hope that when trials of persecution come upon us we will be ready to answer to that hope!


Miracles do indeed happen in the church today. I know from personal experience. I also know that there were miracles in the early days of the church because I have studied church history and some of my family history. I would read about even more miracles if I did more family history, but I haven’t made that as much as a priority as I should.


Great video Hanna! Thx for your research and teaching whats right


Hannah, thank you for your testimony of the Spirit of Prophecy. He should be called that for that is what he is to us most often when not comforting us. Open Theism is trying to convince Latter-day Saints to believe that God can't really see across all time which would make him not God. This is a problem. I don't want to go too much into destiny but it is real and is not determinism. Mercy and justice are two sides of the same coin meaning they are not contrary but they are the same thing looked at from a different perspective and that is related to destiny.


No wonder the scriptures repeatedly say, preach nothing but repentance. We need to repent daily and make the Sacrament each week very important.


Another informative and thoughtful podcast! Thank you Hannah!


Oh my goodness Hannah this is too good


Thank you for all your work putting these together.


It is true. I have used The Book of Mormon to recognize false doctrine. If all members had a firm testimony of the book, they would not be deceived by apostates.


Faith Crisis 2 - is such a great book! - love your podcasts
