The Story of Pippin

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Join Paul Stancato, TLP Artistic Director and Director of Pippin in a deeper look at the story of Pippin, through its creation and unique style. We've got one final weekend of this show, so be sure to get your tickets now!
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I enjoyed this video, but still wondering why the Les Miserables poster?


So basically, it was all over the place, which is what made it hard to understand what it was about.


It's a good opening number in search of a show - goes downhill real fast and a lot of seat squirming and time checks going on in the audience.
Lyrics about eagles soaring were trite in the '70s and they're still trite today.


It’s an extremely poorly written show. “I want to find meaning for my life” is an EXTREMELY vague and generic character goal. This is not how you write a compelling story. In real life, EVERYONE is trying to find more meaning. It’s the most boring story goal imaginable.

There’s like one scene of compelling conflict in this entire show, when the king dies. And then it’s erased by a later scene.
