'Oh my God!' Woman sobs, husband stunned as they receive gift from a Secret Santa

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Jeff is a veteran who was diagnosed with cancer last year. Since then, he and his wife, Monica, have had multiple trips to the emergency room, wound care and visits to hospitals in Utah. Over the past 13 months, Jeff has only managed one complete month without a trip to the ER.

Through it all, Monica has remained positive and upbeat. She is the only one working (Jeff had 2 jobs when he became ill) and doing all the caretaking, cooking, cleaning and everything else. No matter their struggles, she refuses to let their challenges get her

If she sees someone is ill, she offers to make them homemade soup. If someone needs clothing, she goes through their things to help provide.

Every year for the holidays, they offer their meal and home to anyone without food or family available. She's doing all she can to make sure others don't fail and they put God first in everything they do.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to visit Jeff and Monica with some early Christmas presents. Watch the video above to see the unforgettable surprise!
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The expression on her husband's face when he realised they weren't going to be homeless in 2022 broke me. And she cried when they just approached, she was clearly grateful for ANY help.


God, I wish I could do this for people. Everyone wants to be rich and successful but being successful enough to bring relief to such deserving people is a massive blessing. Please keep us updated on this couple. You guys have a massive following on these videos and there is no reason these two should ever have to worry about being homeless again.


To see Monica’s reaction knowing help had arrived, before even opening the door, priceless! To see the relief in both of them as the gifts were opened, overwhelming!


You can tell she's been holding it together and staying strong emotionally for a long while and this kindness and generosity broke the dam of tears -for all of us. Thank you secret Santa, it must feel so good to be in the position where you can support your community like this. We don't see enough kindness in the news these days.


Out of all the people who deserved, this couple REALLY touched the cold spot in my heart.


When she said “we didn’t know if we would be homeless” 😭
Then I saw the sign behind her, it came true!
“Let’s stay Home”


OMG !!! I could not stop crying. This is such a deserving family. They were preparing themselves to become homeless. Even if you do not have much, there are people out there that have it way worse than you can think of. Great family choice SS. Great choice.


His knees nearly buckled when he opened the 2nd box and the realisation his rent was paid for a while. Such deserving recipients . The person who nominated the couple deserve praising . Seeing this here in the UK has warmed heart .


Such genuine, deep and profound gratitude at this LIFE-CHANGING GENEROSITY. THIS is loving your neighbor. THIS is what it is all about. Whoever our "Secret Santa" is, may Almighty God bless and keep you and yours! THANK YOU! Really, really dusty in here....


This is so eye-opening seeing how many hardworking people are afraid and struggling just to keep going. Thank you Secret Santa for taking some of the stress off these good people.


Hope everyone becomes secret santa in his own way. Sincerely hope their rent beyond one year is also taken care of by the community.


I'm so glad they didn't catch her at work so her husband was there with her for this blessing! These two really touched my heart. The look on their faces, knowing the stresses they've been experiencing and the burdens they've carried are being lifted is absolutely beautiful. The "Let's stay Home" sign hanging behind them struck me, knowing they can now stay home because of this gift.
God bless them and their family, Secret Santa, Nate and the East Idaho News crew, and all of you 💜


The relief they must feel . This was just lovely.


You could tell he didn’t know what was going on and then when he opened the box and saw that their rent was paid for the next year, his eyes started to tear up. They both seem so genuine. Thank you Secret Santa and his helpers. You helped another family💕


I have watched people being blessed by things from secret Santa...but never seen such deserving couple...God bless them and secret Santa for doing what he/she does


I started crying as soon as the woman started crying, which was as soon as she saw/recognized Nate! I'm so happy for them! May God bless this couple, Nate and the more than generous Secret Santa! With all of the horrible things going on the WORLD these days, we sometimes need to hear of things like Secret Santa, to remember kindness and goodness really DO still exist.


Crying again over here! The look of complete disbelief on Jeff’s face says it all. 😊 What a deserving couple !


How does Nate not lose it? He's so, surprisingly, stoic in these moments. Most of us would be crying theirs eyes out along with the deserving people.


The sign behind them says, "Let's Stay Home". Perfect!


Is there something "we", the viewing audience can do? Something more? This family obviously is in dire need. A less expensive, to drive, car? Working with someone in Salt Lake so they'll have a place to stay? My heart goes out to this couple.
