How to play Interstellar's 'Cornfield Chase' by Hans Zimmer 🎹✨ (Beginner Piano Tutorial)

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Ready to learn a stunning piece of music? It's one of the most popular pieces to perform in the world-- whether in concert halls or in on TikTok; this theme from Interstellar starts simple and builds into something a bit more complex to challenge your fingers.

Don't worry, Lisa is here to guide you every step of the way!

0:00 - Introduction
0:22 - Getting started
2:16 - Bars 5 to 9
3:10 - Bars 13 to 20
4:00 - Bars 21 to 28
6:43 - Finger stretch break!
7:22 - Bars 29 to 36
8:53 - Bars 37 to 44
10:55 - The beautiful part!! Bars 45 to 56
16:17 - Tips and tricks
18:13 - Performance

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Lisa Witt has been teaching piano for +20 years and in that time has helped hundreds of thousands of students learn to play the songs they love. Lisa received classical piano training through the Royal Conservatory of Music, but she has since embraced popular music and playing by ear in order to accompany herself and others. She is a songwriter and recording artist. Lisa’s contagious enthusiasm will have you excited to practice and return to the keys for your next lesson. Her teaching style focuses on you, making lessons encouraging and fun.

#hanszimmer #interstellar #pianotutorial
Рекомендации по теме

When I got the beginning parts I just cried. I’ve wanted to play and have loved film score music my entire life and never thought I’d get to a point of being able to play the songs I love so much. I’m 26 and never played the piano but I bought a piano back in June and the realization that I actually CAN learn this made me emotional. Thank you for your awesome lessons!!


I have been playing piano for about 20 years and this has to be one of the best worded and presented tutorials/lessons I have ever seen! Concise, straight to the point yet in depth enough for people to learn correct technique! Awesome!!


I started piano 2007, had to stop cold turkey when diagnosed with M.S. in 2008, i felt like the very thing i desired for myself was snatched away from my memory and fingers. I heard this song 2 weeks ago for the 1st time and something awoke within me with this song. Ive been on my keyboard determined to learn this song for myself. Im now 46, its been a rough 20yrs with this disease but im going to get it.
Thank you for making it much easier to learn.


Love your teaching style. I learn so much. You make it look so easy.


It really helps when she NAMES the chords and or keynotes. When she covers the lessons at a slow pace and when the keynotes LIGHT up it is easy to follow along!! 🙏💐❤️💡💐


"You can't make an Interstellar tutorial that's easy to follow along with, it's not possible"

Lisa: No, it's necessary.


Interstellar / Cornfield Chase from Hans Zimmer is my absolute favourite composition. Even broken down in lesson chunks it sounds sooo beautiful. The way Lisa is explaining it all, I’m very much a beginner and feel like I could actually learn this with time and practice. A couple of weeks back I had no idea what an arpeggio pattern was and thanks to Lisa, I incorporate arpeggio pattern in my daily practice and they sound so pretty!! 😍✨🎹✨


That first F Major 7 in measure 13 always gets me. Such a beautiful chord.


I took piano lessons for a few years when I was just a kid. Now at the age of 33 I am becoming interested in the piano again, and I have landed on your channel. Thank you. Because I discovered that I still have many things in my mind that I thought I had lost over time. I think I'll start from here, from this wonderful music, and from your lessons


I have tried to master it for months and the cords are really hard, this is beautifually explained and helped alot, Thank you so much ♥️
The fact the he wrote it before the movie is insaaannee!!


Love how passionate you are in teaching music and going step by step. Thanks a lot!


Am from Colombia. This the best video that I've been found. I'm learning English, piano and Pentagram in a only video. I'm very happy. Keep it up! Thanks!


I was just thinking about this theme and how to play it and here it is😂. Go Lisa and Pianote. You guys are awesome 🔥


I did not expect this tutorial to be so useful! You''re really gifted as a teacher, everything feels so easy when mixed with practice. Thank you very much! Stay healthy!


It took me 4 days to get the gut to start playing 46 - 56 😂


Didn't seriously play something like a piano since schools music lessons. Just started with this lesson after breakfast and learned a considerable part already. She has such a nice way of teaching, so smooth and gently.


Thank you for doing what you do. I've restarted playing at 47 after not playing since I was a teenager. Being a big fan of instrumental music and science fiction this song was one of a few that that motivated me to want to learn again. Your style of teaching is amazingly easy to follow and I believe will help me a lot. I will become a subscriber soon.


This tutorial gave me the confidence to try and learn how to play this amazing song, which I wasn't sure I was ever going to be able to play! You're amazing! Thank you


I want to thank you for your amazing videos!!! They are always so helpful! :)


The section from aprox 4:30 instrd of using right hand to play the single note you can use the left hand and cross over to play the single note
