10 Facts About Skinny Pigs

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Guinea Pig Care Information, How To & Supplies
Caring For Hairless Guinea Pigs:
Normal Behaviours, When To Separate:
Guinea Pig Sounds:
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How To Keep Your Guinea Pigs Cool In The Summer:
Bathing Your Guinea Pig:
Nail Clipping:
Weighing Your Guinea Pig:
Hand Feeding:
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Cage Information
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Coroplast Base Making:
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All About Fleece
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Cleaning Cages With Fleece:
Diet Information
What I Feed My Guinea Pigs:
How To Switch Onto Sherwood Pellets:
All About Hay:
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I love it when skinny pigs shake their head and the their ears just flap.


The popcorning at 9:05 is literally the cutest thing ive ever seen


I love the happy noises. I recently found out about skinny pigs when I saw some in a pet store. They are adorable 😍


Omg that little guy towards the end is way too adorable.


I got one skinny pig, during the summer about a month ago. I absolutely love him!! His name is Hamby. I’m always home so I am constantly with him. But I noticed after I had left almost an entire day (10-5ish) he was very very upset and scared so I realized that he really needed a friend. I got another skinny pig named Ladder to be his friend. When I went back to the pet store that sold me just the one skinny pig without letting me know I needed to get 2 because of how social they are I made sure to let them know that they should probably inform people that piggies need friends :) love your channel have a nice day!


My skinny pig smelled so much more than furry ones and I always figured it was related to the weak genetics. He was an amazing and funny pet! I'm happy to hear they are a little hardier. My little dude had to get foot surgery, seemed to heal fine, and died suddenly a few weeks later without ever seeming ill.


Its so nice seeing all your skinnys again💗 angus is a cutie. Today has been rough with my pigs, had to take one to the vet and i accidentally trimmed a nail a tiny bit close and i feel awful. Everyone is okay though. It makes me feel better seeing your pigs happy and comfy :)


skinny pigs are just adorable, i have met one at an animal adoption center who was as cuddly as ever, so sweet and would just sit in your arms and snuggle.


Theyre the cutest, kindest,nicest, emotional,
almost pensive, frolicky creatures, making nice noise, laying flat
when comfy


I got my two baby Skinny pigs today for my older female skinny because her mate died and she cheered right up


Our skinny pig Rumble recently turned 2. I love how he sleeps upright sometimes, with his ears flapping from time to time. He lives with a lunkarya called Robbie, the polar opposite in hair!

One thing I didn't realise at first was how hot to the touch they feel compared to regular guinea pigs - makes sense since there's no fur, but it did surprise me.


9:00 soo excited!! 😍 what a little sweetheart!!!


Piggies popcorning is the cutest thing ever. 😍😍😍


My skinny pig passed away January 13th :( still don’t know exactly what happened, she was weak not moving around in the cage when I woke that day, and than I was holding her and she was spitting up food. 3 hours later she died (had no way of getting to a vet that day, tried feeding her and giving her water many times tho). I have 4 other piggies (not skinny’s tho) and they are perfectly healthy ❤️


I am rescuing a skinny pig with its two friends (all neutered) and they will be home in a couple weeks so this video was very helpful!! ❤️


I’m getting mine on Wednesday and I’m incredibly excited so I’m just really trying to get in all the information I need I’ve had a normal guinea pigs before but never hairless and I am so excited for this


skinny pigs deserve to be protected and wrapped in the warmest of fleece :)


6:50 'Watch as the mini urban house hippo trundles across his terrain...'


I was watching this video and then one of my skinny pigs started doing calls😅


Guinea pigs: wheeking
Caption: [Laughter] 😂
