#FRRWildCard 24hr Hell and Back application!

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Welcome back to Fabrication 101, thank you for tuning in.
This short video about my self and my 1968 Cummins powered Bronco will hopefully get me selected to participate in the @FlexRocksRollovers 24hr Hell and Back Challenge. Since the 1st 24hr Hell and Back episode I have wanted to wheel a trip like this.
Thanks for tuning in, I hope you got something out of this video.
We'll see you next time on Fabrication 101.
Go Build Something
This short video about my self and my 1968 Cummins powered Bronco will hopefully get me selected to participate in the @FlexRocksRollovers 24hr Hell and Back Challenge. Since the 1st 24hr Hell and Back episode I have wanted to wheel a trip like this.
Thanks for tuning in, I hope you got something out of this video.
We'll see you next time on Fabrication 101.
Go Build Something
#FRRWildCard 24hr Hell and Back application!
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Help us go on 24 hell and back! #FRRWildCard
I am the wild card driver for the flex rocks and roll overs 24 hr hell and back challenge!
#FRRWildCard application video #24hourhellandback#XJ
Prep is almost done! now time for the fun stuff! Wild card drivr #frrwildcard
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One Trail to Rule them all ⏱️☠️🏔️ #24hellandback location 📺 this Sunday!