#53: Scikit-learn 50:Supervised Learning 28: Polynomial Features

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The video discusses the intuition of polynomial features followed by coding using Scikit-learn in Python.
(Python 3.8)
00:00 - Outline of video
00:29 - What is Polynomial Regression?
01:34 - Why and when to create polynomial features?
02:39 - How to create polynomial features?
03:27 - What is a polynomial?
05:42 - Code snippet
06:47 - Open Jupyter notebook
07:20 - Data
10:12 - Create polynomial features using PolynomialFeatures()
12:14 - Create polynomial features using PolynomialFeatures() and fit a LinearRegression()
14:19 - Ending notes
(Python 3.8)
00:00 - Outline of video
00:29 - What is Polynomial Regression?
01:34 - Why and when to create polynomial features?
02:39 - How to create polynomial features?
03:27 - What is a polynomial?
05:42 - Code snippet
06:47 - Open Jupyter notebook
07:20 - Data
10:12 - Create polynomial features using PolynomialFeatures()
12:14 - Create polynomial features using PolynomialFeatures() and fit a LinearRegression()
14:19 - Ending notes
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