5 Best + Free Resources for Learning German

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Hey friends! I hope you are all having a great day! In this video I share the five resources that helped me the most to learn German this last year. Of course this information can be used for learning any language that you're working on. I hope you can take something away from this video as you go about your language learning experiences! Please like and subscribe and comment what your favourite language learning tips are!

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First of all, I want to thank the author of the channel for making this beautiful and useful video for us! Many people are embarrassed to speak a foreign language if they have no speaking skills. People are afraid to hear criticism from others in their address. It all comes from having a psychological complex - to make a mistake. But, after all, he who does nothing is not wrong! In Yuriy Ivantsiv's workshop "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign language" states that we need to talk as much as possible: with yourself, with the mirror, with inanimate objects, with children and with pets. Find an interlocutor in real life or online. Talk without shyness. People won't care how you speak. They understand that you are a foreigner, as long as they understand you. They may even acknowledge your progress in their language and compliment you. However, always be prepared for criticism of your speaking skills. If you have the will to speak, you will gain an interesting interlocutor to consolidate your knowledge. Everyone is strewn with mistakes - don't be afraid to learn from them. As the Latin wisdom says, "walk and thou shalt not go astray". In the book "Polyglot Notes" by Yuriy Ivantsiv an entire chapter is devoted to the development of spoken language. Here you will find many useful tips and each student can choose a technique that suits him or her best! I wish you all the best of luck in your language learning!


Thank you for making this wholesome video! I'm sure the tips you gave will stand me in good stead💕


Hi im happy for you. I also study German because i plan to work in Germany. I hope i can also be like you that you learn the language better. I also make some advices to some who will take German exam hoping it can help them. Thanks for this info.


My bf is German and yet I have to rely on YouTube and shows to learn German.
Maybe he just doesn’t have patience or can’t teach .


Ich kannte Phase6 nicht! Ich habe 3 Jahre in der Nähe von Stuttgart gewohnt, und ich stimme zu, ein Muttersprachler zu haben um öfters zu sprechen hilft sehr viel beim Sprachenlernen. Ich hoffe das dein Deutsch sich immer noch verbessert!


Dear admin, please suggest the best book for learning German A1 (In English).


this is super helpful, thank you!!! also ur dimple is really cute :)


Super Julianne 😀😀 Tolle Tipps zum Deutsch lernen 🇩🇪👍 Vielen Dank! Liebe Grüße, Max 🙋‍♂️


This is very helpful. Thank you. I am refreshing my German with the aim to take the B1 exam in November.
I think Binjamin will be a perfect addition to my YouTube diet.
I’m looking for a good book for studying the cultural themes covered in the exam… for the vocab and context. Do you know of one?


and dont stop from here, make more videos as well. my new yearz resolution is to learn german


I have learned a few sentences and how to sorta put sentences together like
Die mutter und das kind but that's really the extent of it lol


Do you want to clear Gymnasium? Why to attend Abendgymnasium is not clear to me ..


Where can I catch me a German speaker tho?


Liebe Lehrerin
Ich bin Kambodschaner und lebe in Kambodscha (Angkor Wat Tempel) kann Ich deutsche Sprache mit dir lernen?
Liebe Grüße loy


why are some of the commenters creepy o_o, sorry about them
Ich lerne Deutsch in mein High School für 3 und halb Jahren, ich will zu Deutschland gehen in der Zukunft, vielleicht in Uni oder nach Uni. Mein Deutsch ist nicht perfekt (besonders mit der Grammatik), aber meine Lehrerin war sehr gut und ich habe keine Angst über sprechen, wie ich habe mit Arabisch.
Danke für die Video :)


Send me course books to Germany language


Am looking for a native speaker to help me improve my germen 😊 if any one interested.


you are beatiful girl. i fall in love you


Warum versuchst Du auf Deinem Kanal nicht endlich deutsch zu sprechen?
Nur wenn Du jede Gelegenheit zum Deutschsprechen nützt, wirst Du die Sprache wirklich gut lernen!
Bitte gestalte in Zukunft Deine Sendungen auf Deutsch!
