Crawler Canyon Quick(re)view: GensAce iMARS D300 battery charger

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This is the Quickview of the GensAce iMARS D300 two-channel battery charger, which does all of the normal charger things, twice.

Some links:
I realize that shipping is basically murder nowadays, so I'm going to make an effort to provide links to all of the vendors offering the thing I'm rambling about-- go with whoever is cheapest out-the-door.

IG: crawlercanyon
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Not to mention the balancing is great I have had batteries that other chargers can’t recover because of them being extremely unbalanced and this charger has been able to bring them back.


I do believe this charger will display time remaining. You also missed the Gens Ace G-tech smart charging.
No more selection your settings, plug it in, a few seconds later it starts charging with all of the correct settings.


i love my gens ace charger, has been solid for 2 years with no problems ever. I would recommend the iMARS chargers to anyone.


I live 5 miles from Renton. PNW representing!


I’m hooked on 4s thanks Crawler Canyon.


Very well explained intel only way Canyon would.!Thanks


As usual, learning new things in the Canyon. I dont have lipo batteries yet (i have 4 1500mAh Li-ion i think they are), so its nice to know more about the lipo world before getting into it


I know you probably know by now if you put the gtech batteries on there, it will tell you how long it takes to charge up. It has the separate little pin on the balance lead.


Had a feeling u would like it, glad I could help 😊


Really like these Gens Ace chargers, alot in a small package . The one issue Gens Ace needs to address is the need for a balance extension lead with the G tech wire installed, you are asking for problems charging a battery that close to the charger, Especially since the G tech design is good for new comers and younger people to the hobby .


Love that charger. Have used for 1.5 years no issues.


Right on great job thx for the info, I’ve had one for about a year no problems. I thought I might enjoy it 😊 thanks again for the ohms law update.


Can this tell you internal resistance of the cells? I've heard its a good way to test battery health. I put the whole charger and battery in a metal tool box to charge. Easy to open close etc. Just put a hole in the side for the power cable 👍


I recently invested in a big charger because 4s 6500mah times 6 I own. The proboat Jetstream loves them, the SBR 2.0 takes 2 at a time. Oh boy trip cancelled and now I want to storage discharge... For many hours, all day I have to listen to to the charger fan to drain them slowly. So fak it (1000w DC, 400w AC) T1000 charger and 350w discharge addon from skyrc. Can even control it from my pc with usb C cable. Has performance analyzer and I'm curious of the parallel board is gonna like 20amps. Just waiting for the weather to warm up, my hands need warm gloves.


I have one and I love it. It’s expensive but it’s way safer than them other ones on Amazon and eBay with cheap internals not too properly calibrated.


I love my Gens ace chargers, I have 2 of the old style chargers. I’m not that fancy, I don’t have any smart batteries, i don’t care for spectrum or shit that makes you go eco system. But they work great for all my batteries 2-6s.


DC is great for that camping trip or on the road recharging packs off a big 12v car batteries


The Supermate DC6 has been a dependable unit for me for about 13 years.


I nearly bought one of these at my local track for charging my buggy batteries. Coming from a lectron pro super basic unit, discharge current being 3 amps is much better for storage charging. Then I did a cannon ball into the deep end and bought a Muchmore Cell Master setup from his consignment case. Wanna talk about racers doing racer things, this thing does what calls the Specter Cycle (TM). It'll push 40 amps into the lipo, discharge at 40 amps and then charge it again or storage it. You can select the current but it defaults to 40. It's *bananas*. I charge at 10 amps because rules but my storage current is set at 25 haha. It'll store a 5100 2S in no time and the lipo only gets a little warm. It also shows internal resistance in real time and I can store like 8 slots of memory for whatever I need. Is it loud? Yes. Can I hear the TV if it is going? Not most frequencies, no. Is it heavy and a pita to haul to the track? A little bit yes. I don't regret getting it for a second either. You have quasi memory if you use one side for your 2200s and the other for 4300s. Also I picked up a pack of balance extensions from Amazon for very little money. Those might be an easier option to get some lead length back without the bulk of the balance board you're using now. Also last thought, lots of people using Gens Ace chargers at the track alongside Junsi, Muchmore, Protek and ToolKitRC fwiw. I don't hear anyone complaining about their chargers working, only how well they fit in the pit hauler


I always just figured an xt60 lipo would just plug right into it. I didn't think youd have to buy an xt60 extension 😂
