2017 Maps of Meaning 06: Story and Metastory (Part 2)

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In this lecture, I discuss uncertainty, or anomaly. We frame the world -- or the world reveals itself to us -- as a story, with a starting point, a destination, and the behavioral means to move from one to the other. The destination is valued more highly than the starting point, and constitutes the point of the story -- the aim of the individual. Reality manifests itself within that story as what is relevant for forward movement, what gets in the way, and what is irrelevant and can be safely ignored. The largest category, by far, is the latter. Unfortunately, sometimes what has been happily classified as irrelevant rears up and gets in the way. That's a manifestation of chaos. Chaos can undermine the story, or break the frame. The degree of undermining or breakage is proportional to the time and space over which the story in question extends its operations.


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I dragged myself through 4 years of lectures to get a degree. 2 more years to get my MBA. Most lectures (and lecturers) bored me to tears. Yet 30 years later, I chose to spend my free time watching Jordan Peterson Lectures because they are full of pops of wisdom that are teaching me so much my head feels like it's exploding!. Thank you for sharing. Priceless.


These lectures are no joke, roughly speaking.


I'm 44 years old and I'd just like to say to his students: you have NO idea how much I envy you. To think you have been given such a gift at so young an age is of incomprehensible value. I can't be there in class with you, but how I would love to. I'll watch these until my brain is reprogrammed and I can teach it. God I hope you appreciate this treasure...


The ending just killed me.
*spends 20 minutes just grinding the hardest and most painful truths no one wants to hear*
*ends class*


After 30 minutes of intense sobering wisdom... “ANYWAYS!”


I just turned 21 and I have to say, JBP, you have saved me from the abyssal depths of chaos. I was a rampaging drug addict who had no boundaries, no goals, no framework of motivation - nothing. Dr. Peterson you were the father that I always wished I had: a man who knows how to act, but will always take advice from others. A man who will tell you what you're doing wrong, but also hold your hand as you're walking back to the right path. A man who won't take crap from anyone and yet will hear you out respectfully. This man who is leaving volumes of knowledge for us; he is an angel in a time of ideological nonsense, and if you're reading this right now, be damn grateful man, because there are so many people out there right now that are LOST. Lost, without the slightest clue on how to get their life back together, and the worst part is, is that they will stay that way. I got lucky. I found these lectures, (this is already my third series after the personality and biblical lectures) and I have to say, I have never been more grateful. God Bless you Jordan Peterson, you deserve the love of the world.


These lectures make me jump out of my chair and start walking in circles like a maniac when bursts of enlightenment happen.


This is not just the best content on YouTube, and not just the best content on the internet, but the best and most important content in the world right now for our current problems as humanity.


I wish I would have found these lectures years ago, to be honest, would have saved me a lot of tortured, unproductive existential thought...


I'm eternally grateful to youtube's suggestions for presenting this guy to me. All I can say is WOW, i'm on a Peterson binge, and it's not stopping anytime soon....


A lecture a day keeps the dragons away.


I will homeschool my nonexistent children with this man's videos.


Im really glad that you stood up for free speech Dr. Peterson. Now I watch every videos you upload and have finished reading your Maps of Meaning ebook. Really mind blowing stuff. Thank you! Cheers from the Philippines.


1:49:27 Life balance and Jung on differing values pattern/hierarchy in men and women
1:53:36 Recap of lecture
1:57:34 Questions section starts
2:01:08 Responsibility Qs start ⭐
2:03:53 On responsibility binding a person to a frame of values, change and responsibility vs individuality (Peter Pan myth), sacrifice
2:09:22 Jung on maturation and rediscovery of child within during later development
2:10:33 Late development in recent culture and pleasure island myth
2:17:15 How to teach/learn critical thinking - through learning to write
2:21:49 On marriage and divorce


"You can go to university to not be something instead of going to university to be something."

Yes. This. A hundred times this.


Responsibility: sacrificing now for the future.
Hedonism: sacrificing the future for now.
Nihilism: sacrificing everything for nothing.


"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
Marcus Aurelius


This is easily the most powerful lecture I have ever witnessed... My children are too young to understand what he is explaining... hopefully these lectures will be around when they are ready to hear them.


He drops some intense wisdom in the last 20 mins


Amazing lectures. Anyone else listening to them in 2024?
